Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I wish it had been that long, but I do think it’s been probably only a couple of years really. It’s difficult to tell when some of the timeline falls into the covid monolithic mega-year.

Damn, Koralesh out here with the / pronouns.

They’re right about that, but I must also always express my sheer disdain for said blog as they’ve done such fun thing as:

  1. Apparantly threatened to dox me when I was away for a week.
  1. Photoshopped some of my forum replies at one point.
  2. Actively defended and praised someone who said I was abusing my children because I said I supported LGBTQ+ rights.

They’re absolutely not saints either and share alot of the same views as what they call out.


I still love that they accused me of being a covid conspiracy pusher because I jokingly said that Bill Gates created the virus.

He did create it, by the way. He transmitted it from our computers while we slept.


I get what you’re trying to say, but I can only reiterate that it came from the top. There were guild leaders and officers under the umbrella who were involved in the gross behaviour/posting/etc as much as anyone else – or more.


Like, i know people and have met people from some of the guilds who were not questionable. None of them seem bad.

Just the higher up the totem pole you went the more horrific the people became.


I’m forever too irrelevant for these people to remember
popped up in a single screenshot because they lack the ability to edit those beyond replacing the chat messages

Don’t think anyone here would go “you were part of the PCU so you condoned it” considering there’s several people here who were in those guilds.
The vast majority is fine.

Personally I’m majorly peeved by how resistant and dismissive some people were to others bringing this issue up.


I don’t disagree at all (and have made this known many times in the community itself; what can I say I’m a boring reformer type of person). Its just that the issue is a very complex one when you take into account all the different intertwined and connected social webs from various guilds, groups and individuals who made up the “one” community. :pensive:

I had to leave AD for several years because of abuse by proxy so yep. I get why people would stay quiet and I dont blame them for it.


a screenshot that enrages me and i wasn’t even in it.


There was always this hive mentality. Poke one and a dozen more come in swinging. I think it’s important to challenge friends when they’re in the wrong (even if they take it badly) rather than back them up unconditionally.


yeah, who has the time/energy to bother with like 30 guys showing up every time the clarion call is sounded to make a dissenting forum poster pay (insert many …s here) to defend the virtue of the online tribe, in the end, really


I’m so sorry my dude, that sucks butt.

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I would never claim they were, hence why I put “in this regard” in that sentence, as I also said to Croe when we spoke about it.

The broken clock analogy definetly applies.

I’ll be the last to say that -everyone- in that community was bad. Heck, I still have one or two people in realid who I talk to and raid with to this day.

But the PCU , atleast to me, always looked like it would always cover their members, even the problematic ones, whatever the cost. You’d almost never see someone publically go “Hey man, maybe you should stop.” So I can see why to outsiders it would’ve looked as if it may have been silently approved.

I like to think that all the problematic ones are gone now, I sure hope so, and those that remain are apparently mostly self-isolating anyhow, so I hope they have fun with whatever rp they’re doing.

I shall say, during those days I too chose to mostly look out for number one. Maybe once or twice I’d make a comment on the forums, maybe even challenge a view or two, but I definetly did not go in swinging as hard as I could have because I too simply didn’t feel like getting stalked.


Friendship doesn’t mean unquestionably being yes men. It means wanting your friends to be the best they can be and call them out when they say or do something really stupid or uncalled.

To help them be better people at times they aren’t.


It only ever seemed to be about the optics – even then, the perpetrators ended up quietly back in the community after they’d served their time in exile, from what I could tell from the outside.

So-so. On the forums it could absolutely be that way sometimes, for various different reasons ranging from wild speculation to valid criticism. Though it was generally a lot less-so on the Discord, but of course, Discords aren’t necessarily public and dressing down in private has its own problems as much as dressing down in public does. Plenty of times I’ve seen heads butt and disagreements flare over how ‘x’ guild in the community handled something or how ‘y’ group acted on the forums and it would usually always end in a reprimanding - but again, only one saw by those already in the community.


Over 100 messages since I went to nap—


At the risk of sounding like One of Those Kind of Podcasters, I’m just not going to bother investing my precious time into people that a) are fundamentally opposed to me in some or several regards and b) not willing to change from that position

Sometimes that means losing or falling out of touch with friends, be they online or offline, but so be it really


Personally, I’d say it would send a far better message to reprimand someone publicly if they’ve done something wrong publicly, than to do it in hush-hush personal dms.


thanks. its sole silver lining was i got to meet some nice people in other rp communities but id be lying to say that even years after the fact im not still wary about who i talk to in dms regarding AD matters.

reminds me of the time I said this to an AD’er on ff14 and their response was wishing my dementia addled father would bite it quicker. some people of those days have grown, others cling to 2013 it seems.

losing people is the worst but i prefer going to sleep with a clear concscience