Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Eugh he’s voting for Farage.
(Sorry our election is coming up soon and I keep seeing his stupid smiling mug everywhere I go, let me have this one jab.)

Back on topic, I guess for me personally I started posting on the forums around the time where either importance on the forums was waning, or when a lot of the unacceptable harassment had already become a thing of the past, so I think I got somewhat lucky - and actually all of this discussion has given a bit of a new perspective on the thread I made recently. I can understand why people might’ve been skeptical of my claims regarding a certain vulpera guild, or why there’s more of a “live and let live” attitude because nobody wants to repeat the witch hunts of old.

I’m still never likely to just “let it go”, in the wake of what I’ve seen, but I at least understand why others aren’t willing to go all-in given the harm that’s been done in the past.

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Here comes a walking example of their misbehaviour. The targeted bullying of someone who hadn’t ever done anything to them and the “reasons” for their ire happened about a decade ago.

P.S. No idea why we’ve chosen today to pop off on the topic, but it’s been entertaining.

It happens, unfortunately, yeah.


Good grief. I’m so sorry.

i fall asleep every night knowing im right + my enemies are ontologically evil (i am only half kidding)

Losing people sucks but having to deal with people all the time that are fundamentally at odds with both my life + the way I look at things when I do not have to is vastly preferable in the end

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That is horrible and I am sorry to hear :frowning:

Big hugs

Nothing ever happeners just keep winning.

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Think it’s always been there really. Maybe with the end of an expansion and less of a presence from the individuals people feel safe enough to tell their sides - and they should be able to, really.

Block + disregard the problematic and the enablers, focus your daily meme posting on the people whose company you enjoy (and Akamito)


Accidentally exploded the thread by having a peeve, sorry u_u

Yeah, you don’t need to even do a real dressing down. Just a firm “this is not okay, we do not condone this behaviour” would do.

It was me
I had a peeve


thanks. jokes on him i guess, my dad’s still alive and…not fine but healthy and still with us + he outed himself as an utter scumbag.

its just…so so bad not only for your mental but physical health too being around these people. i could notice a massive difference when i just stopped giving them the time of day


I don’t miss the past several years, up until recently lol

Being stalked, threatened, harassed, yeaaa… I mean at first it was a pain, but after a while you just get used it and laugh and carry on, like, oh wow, you got a screenshot of me standing next to someone undressed so it must be ERP??? But you didn’t include the chat box where it apparently was all going down… And that was alllll the proof.

ANYWAY. Yes. Hello. I’m half-asleep. I could rant for a while but I won’t because I’m too dozed.


Mhm, I only ever saw the forums after all, I was never in any pcu guild or discord.

I think that’s in part due to me tacking in on the discussion of problems in forsaken and scarlet communities.

I am so sorry to hear man. Truth be told I was curious who from the past you might be, but, I definetly understand if you rather keep that to yourself.


I’ve said this several times before when people have jumped you, but its all so tiring, and I can only imagine how much for you as well.

Because there’s been alot more than once when you’ve done absolutely nothing except like saying “Hi” in a thread, and several people have been on you. Often with the same comment or reason.

And it’s stuff I’ve seen(and know since is also not true) and heard for nearly a decade at this point. They just never dropped it, even after over 10+ something years.


By the way, these are also the people who wanted to impose “standards” onto the server.


The only standard I think we really need to have is “Be kind and respect eachother.”


Already an impossibly tall order for many on our fine server.


respect this

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Yup. Over ten jfc. I joined AD in 2010 and did stupid ‘bad rp’ RP because I was clueless on the lore etc and got noticed to the point I got invited to chat channels like /LFRP so people could harass me lol. Kinda escalated from there. I mean I’m not perfect but jfc. Once people got over the fact they couldn’t go after me for ‘bad rp’ since I learned over time, they had to find something else. Kinda spiralled in a way. Resulted in stalking me around the internet to find anything to get at me with. Then it was like “So you went to an 18+ site to find Vaxir eating someone (as an example) so you could put it on the forums to complain about it?”

Glad the days are over!


I’ll be honest with you Vax - I’ve seen things from you, and if I learned that those things were happening today, I’d cut contact. Not out of some presumed social stigma, but out of my own volition.

But those things, to my knowledge, aren’t happening today. They’re a decade old. I didn’t know you in 2014, but a lot can change in the span of a decade and from what I’ve observed - yeah, you’ve changed for the better. I don’t think you’d create or pay others to create the things that I’ve seen, and I’m not going to go full CSI searching for every known alias or trace to find out if I’m right or not. All I can do is take you at your word - and I trust you enough to not lie about it.


New Peeve I just unlocked: I’ve managed to hit the like cap even on Trust Level 3(Can’t do anymore for 17 hours now :frowning: )

Like caps are stupid.


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