Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

My new panda lock.


I mean, night elf culture is backward and restrictive, and I designed Lintian specifically to break the mold. She’s not representative of most of her people.


That’s the joke.

Genuinely jealous. I’m tempted to level a new Pandaren Monk through Remix to try a healer and get some Red Crane threads.

I’ve had my Brewmaster since MoP, and I’m super attached to her character, but trying to re-work her mog around Chen’s Keg? Pain. Actual pain. It does’t GO with anything!
And do NOT get me started on the hats that just delete hair…Augh

I will never, ever be able to hear about delves (the TWW activity) without first hearing ‘dark elves’

please help my brain is broken


My priest is using the hat for… hiding reasons.


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I’m in the same Black Ark.

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I can’t remember if there’s pre-order bonii for Shadows of the Erdtree, and I don’t really mind anymore.

I do want to pre-order Space Marine 2 but, again, I think I’ll just be grabbing the standard edition.

While tabletop/hobby/models FOMO still has its claws in me, I feel like gaming FOMO is losing its grip…?

My gal has long hair with the top braid/ponytail and coloured fringe. Has done since creation. Just… even a generic longer hair under hat option, would that kill them? (If yes, then so be it…)

It never truly goes. It’s always there, in the back of the mind.

But it’s easier to ignore.

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I haven’t seen my priest’s hair in years because she got sha-ed, but i think its the ponytail with the chopsticks

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Honestly, I think dark elves are better than dungeon delves anyway.

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They’re sexier.

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How is this okay, still, huh?

The beach mogs were ruined forever to me when I saw how it handled the hair. Nera’s hair would just get so weirdly cut off??? It’s like stalks on rhubarb on the back of his head.

(and I’ve already whinged here about the beach mogs and how they mangle your toes)

It’s the HoMM-lite ‘feature’ of WoTR, it was never okay.

I liked it at start, but it got really boring towards the end.

Not sure why, but Kingmaker’s card management thing was 100000% comfier to me. Like, maybe it’s also the UI that gave it a rustic feeling whereas WotR’s is more metallic and cold. It’s part of why I hate the modern sleek UI of different games and heavily prefer some other designs (f.e. I hate the look of AoE4’s UI, Humankind’s UI, but love Civ 6’s UI. AoE2’s is… fine.)

Idk if I explain it well, but Kingmaker having the browns and whatnot in the general UI palette just makes me feel warm as if I’m at some cozy lodge managing my kingdom, whereas I guess WotR successfully makes you feel like a detached army general who throws units away for the greater good. Well done, I guess? :person_shrugging:

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No I meant the lack of a path between the two points there. Convinced they’re keeping it in as a joke at this point.

I just bound ‘teleport the party to my cursor’ to a keybind to fix this issue

just saw guild wars 2 released a speedboat skin for the skiff vehicle. coinciding with the releasing swimsuits.

gta vice city bros we are so BACK.
Am I So Out Of Touch? (

I know, but the entire thing is unfortunately not even OK. Alas.

When you go to dig through old memes and you find this masterpiece:

It’s… so beautiful :smiling_face_with_tear:

And given I am currently playing Malakai myself:

I want to do this so badly now…