Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

every gamer has an igor gene that activates around a sufficiently dominant woman

yess, my dark queen…

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what i recall specifically about it back then as well was the fact that they werent even guild leaders. officers yes but. they essentially had the actual GM bullied into a state of “its better to say nothing and let them have their way” before splintering it into a bunch of guilds they all ran with the exact same people that were essentially carbon copies.

The gm was a former AD’er and pleasant forum goer in the day so it didnt sit well with me and my speaking up didnt sit well with them.

god sake its true. even before this, when i was into pandaren rp, there was another one who was exactly that wine aunt vibe, its uncanny.
complete with ranting to an 18-20 year old about the divorce.


my ESO rp experience was, after several other contenders (such as the teacher that liked the people in his students’ agegroup a little too much), ultimately, and for the last time, utterly ruined by one and I will never forgive this I don’t think

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ahhhh the “Miissus Robbinson are you trying to seduce me.” shtick. a cult classic to be sure. (i was made aware of a similar clique in the eso rp community so i backed away from that fast.)

loras no.


Does it count if I knew the 40yr old divorcee IRL too? like, she RPs on the server still to my knowledge.

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persona reference


Oh my, I promise not to go down that path.

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Please save this post somewhere. A blog, a tumblr, whatever, but this is insightful. I don’t want it to be lost in the inevitable march of thread updates/new threads.


Might be the same!

very true

i just wish he didn’t teach people of the same agegroup that he liked writing erp about

how many wines until the tirades about the inherent supremacy of the British person over the disgusting, misbegotten Euro-creature, miss…

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Bookmark it.

Then you can scroll your bookmarks for it later.


As I am a Euro-creature it’s the other way around. Some longwinded rant comparing brexit to roman withdrawal from the isles and the ensuing barbarism, etc.


ok but that’s just correct though :sunglasses:


It’s also these types of women that makes makes things a living hell for any other woman who dares to join their guild & or community.

They generally don’t like “competition”.


Have you seen what happens when your average wow player runs into a woman who a) raid leads b) is the tank?

I’ve been viewed as the “competition”
Only noticed months later
didn’t even care about the stuff she felt competitive about
These people enjoy shadow boxing


oh god this is the first thing that happened when I introduced a female friend to that group that I referred to above, it was the first red flag and man I felt so bad about introducing her to it in the first place

why are they literally always like this


Just made me check; thankfully, both sites on my wrists where the [Thingies] went in have healed and gone, but they were quite noticeable for a while.

Likewise to you, my chest scar is fully healed over, but the lower part is still more pronounced and does itch/get tight/uncomfortable from time to time. Sadly the area where they had the drain house/surture has healed over but looks like it will scar too. I was fine with the idea of a line down my chest, but now I look like I have a ! on me, heh…

Maybe Mama Bear is just keeping her cubs safe from Vixens and Cougars, hmmm?

Oh, do tell…


Pick Me’s

It’s a shame but a stereotype for a reason


I mean, our raid leader is a lady and the worst thing that happens is that Gecko Squad (me and the other evokers) will occasionally jump people into the fire because it’s funny


Your tattoo choice is obvious: a questgiver marker.

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