Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Been there too. You don’t even need to do anything remotely active to be perceived as some kind of threat.

Its the attention and validation. There is sadly a not so small number of women who will also jump in and make sexist remarks, belittle other women or younger girls in hopes of getting praises from usually guys that they’re “not like other girls” to put it simple.

Please no.


I have a scar from when they operated on my shoulder years ago.

Things still frozen.

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One of my friends in the friend group I do content with is an Evoker, and he enjoys lightly bullying(friendly) me by using the fly/lifegrip thing and pull me out of the dungeon entrance.

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:lizard: :flight_departure:


That’s probably it, and it somehow always seems to work as well? I just find it very confusing, I usually clock these people as terrible persons very swiftly (but then they tend to not be nice to me either anyways)


Men who haven’t matured out of their edgy teenage 4chan era are the worst to come across in any online community, but territorial mean girlz are definitely up there too.


Like I said: Seeking validation and community, just in a predictably toxic fashion.


Not from a 40 yr old woman but back when I wasn’t out yet, I got invited to a group of LGBTQ+ Rpers as the “cool cishet friend”. There was another one in the same group who was another CCF who started getting jealous of me because she was doing the “poor starving artist woe is me” over the degree she was getting while… I was getting the same degree and not bemoaning it.

Anyway, i think she coined that the group liked me more because i wasn’t starting drama every other week and she began to not like me.


An ouroboros of virginity and anger


Guys who say they’re the masters of comedy and got alot of great jokes.

Then whey they tell you one, its literally just a slur. Nothing else.


It’s me, but I don’t usually announce this cool fact about me :sunglasses:

This is not me :panic:

A lot of people in RP communities never outlived high school and either bullying or being bullied there (and wanting to be the bully this time), I feel, and it’s a little sad. Mostly annoying, though.


That’s the thing. As much as we’d like them to, some people don’t “grow out of” this kind of thing. It’s behaviour rooted in fundamental biases, stress responses and comfort zones to alleviate insecurities. They don’t need maturity, they need therapy that is often stigmatised and denied them.

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They want to feel big, so they find a person or group that they can punch down on.

I don’t disagree exactly and I think your point about destigmatising mental health awareness is super super important, but I’ve known plenty of such people who eventually grew out of it.


People can absolutely grow out of things and change over time. I know guys who back in school used to be rather insufferably and edgy who grew up later to realize how bad that was and have gone full blown feminists and supportive of important issues.

But I also know people who went the complete opposite direction, both guys and girls who went from being friendly & or timid and then as far down as you can go into alt-right holes and became extremely unpleasant people.


The thirst nation attacks
Depending on the personalities it may go either well (needs self-awareness from everyone) or horribly (the dramapocalypse)

Type one then
But RP realms also have more women so it’s usually either instant implosion or goes well

Also local gekkos seem too afraid of my priestly grip to do much airlifting

People make this too complicated
just go to twitter
plenty of bullies there who used to be bullied
far less socially acceptable behaviour needed too

Went to school with someone who got out of their ultra rightwing circle and ended up a wholesome person. But it usually needs some support and you can’t be a wet noodle about it when trying to move on from this stuff.


Looking back at the amount of times li’ll rp-related projects I wanted to set up crumbled, in hindsight, at least in part because some big Community Figure™ felt it was threatening to them got me like :')

Yeah in my late teenage years I thought the 4chan boards were generally really funny, pol aside. I wasn’t on board ideologically or politically but there was a lot of funny stuff to my teenage brain that kept on getting fed ‘sjws get owned’ videos by Youtube’s algorithm. I got extremely annoyed by it around the time of the orange man’s first electoral campaign and grew out of it from there pretty rapidly (I am now the liberal democracy’s strongest defender :muscle: :muscle: which I’m quite sure a bunch of people here would say is roughly the same in how terrible it is but I disagree!!)

Tangentially related, I had a couple of hours long conversation in person with a guy a few years ago who was a member of certain extremist movements both in person and online, who now runs an informal organisation/network helping people that want to bail out from such groups, and he essentially affirmed to me that a huge portion of ‘getting out’ of those sort of groups and communities has to be intrinsic to the person/they need to want to get out themselves, and generally can’t really be talked into it by others (his network/organisation offers people that used to be in similar boats to talk to and help to so that they don’t need to lose their entire world of social interactions the second they bail)


Those kind of groups and circles operate in the exact same way cults do. Make people inside it feel secure and comfortable as long as they are loyal, but make seem like they would lose absolutely everything if they would ever get second thoughts.


Illiberal people form a horseshoe


im in this picture regarding a friendship i ended and i dont like it


I’m sorry to hear :frowning:

And I know its not easy, but its important to remember this too: A real friend would want you to be fine and do good even if you end up drifting apart for whatever reason.