Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

That’s exactly how it works, yes! It’s also why I generally don’t try to argue with these people - at most against them for the sake of people that are unfortunate enough to have to bear witness to this epic internet debate going on…

With this guy specifically, he had the realization that he did not want his daughter to grow up around the people he had been surrounding himself with - and he had to go cold turkey on pretty much his entire social life, wife aside, to do so. Really good guy nowadays, love what he was working on (probably still is!)

been there, done that, although it was ‘easier’ in that it was ‘just’ an internet friend


Good on him for getting that clarity, and hope he is still doing well!


Total tangent; hobby peeve.

Trying to find 28mm (1/56) scale trees that look good is apparently really hard? I’ve gone on an absolute binge of making wargaming terrain, and the buildings are going good. Organic stuff? More complicated…

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I’m not saying people never do, just that the middle aged guy who still posts like a 4channer may have some unresolved issues.

Qualified my post accordingly because yes.

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‘May’ is doing some Atlas-ian lifting there, honestly.

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I’ve no doubt he is! Last I know he was doing quite well both with regards to a new education + career from out of that particular gutter

If you find any good god please let me know

gestures at right around every ‘entertainment youtuber’


Always incredibly unfun when you find a new youtuber that seems alright, they seem safe, and then later they drop a video on how Star Wars, Lotr or any other franchise is now RUINED! because of feminism.

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Women on my team:-
1: “I like [Harvey from Suits], I think it’s 'cos of his money.”
2: “I think I like him 'cos he’s arrogant. Think that does it for me.”
1: “Don’t really like Mike, he’s too nice.”

redpill podcasts would have a field day with them


click on video about newly revealed warhammer miniature, next video from the guy in line is about sisters of silence, my favourite faction, so immediately click on that

it’s a complaint about the woke DEI this and that ruining sisters of silence by replacing them with female custodes

sigh and close tab

to be fair redpill podcasts would have a field day both positively or negatively with any actual woman rather than fabrics of their imagination


Depends entirely if that’s just their opinion on fictional stuff or irl people… then again, not like redpill podcast people can distinguish that stuff

Why would we fight when we can work together (and yank some poor warrior 600 yards away)

I would contest you for that title but I think coöperation would bring much more benefits ( though I still plan to make you the governor of Wallonie so you won’t have time to get ideas about a coup when I take power).

Anyhow I read through the last throes of the discussion from yesterday that were posted today, and I wish to add one more thing that I think is important.

When the PCU were still about on these forums, I often saw Perroy and some others say the following:

“It does not matter who you as a person are, aslong as you’re a good rp’er, I don’t care for the rest.”

Now in one way, this could be a very admirable sentiment, but given how it actually turned out, it was just a copout to excuse bad behavior.

So instead I wish to say: “I don’t care how good an rp’er you are, if you are a scumbag of a person, I don’t want you around.”

And I think that rule is important to remember, ofcourse also when you are just rp’ing with someone one-on-one, but it becomes especially important when you end up leading a guild, set up an initiative, or heck, even somehow end up making a community.


Don’t you love it when you see them charge in only to end up further back? And then get gripped after they jumped? Ending up even further back. Perfection.

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“If you make fun of me I will take you off my Prescience list” - weak, unnoticed

“If you make fun of me, auto running is now an extreme sport” - now we’re talking

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Mmmmm finally, FINALLY, finally… Got a haircut. Now my hair doesn’t stick out like ash ketchum.


What does it stick out like now?

It doesn’t B) Shaved the sides.

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Coulda been worse, coulda stuck out like Goku’s or Vegeta’s.

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Having Ash spikes was bad enough!!

But it’s settled now. Shaved, longer on top. Mmmm. Now I’m gonna keep it maintained… … So I say every time.


Yeah. I can definitely name a few people who went down the bullying e-rabbithole and it’s sad to see.