Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)
the only kind of dominants I care about


you’re very brave

People act like Furries are low-level deviants.

As someone said once, entirely and justifiably sincerely, if a plane going to one of the Furry conventions went down, the world would be in actual, genuine trouble, because there would go a huge percentage of IT support, the sort of people who glue the Internet superstructure back together on a daily basis, as well as doctors, lawyers etc.

Honestly, Greek Alphabet men trying to be Influencers are much lower on any kind of strata. Most them are deviants, if not outright Fash and/or -philes.


the only thing keeping me from being a suspiciously wealthy furry is the fact that i’m very poor


Furries and weebs are just two sides of the same coin. You can have totally normal anime fans who just watch their favourite series, or you can have samurai larpers trying to justify Japan’s age of consent law of 13 (which has THANKFULLY been changed now, but like only last year which is wild)

Furries are much the same way. You get werewolf fans and zootopia enjoyers on one hand, and the literal scum of the earth on the other.

Actually now I’ve typed this out and read it back that’s literally just every online fandom ever.

Anyways furries can absolutely take sigma bros in a fight because any numbskull can drive an expensive car but driving a fursuit of the same price is a much more daunting task.


Anyone who refers to any subculture or community that isn’t inherently criminal/problematic as degenerate is giving off one massive red flag honestly.


That’s why I say you don’t need to do 18+/NSFW to make lot of money as a furry artist, it would just be overkill as the ones who do commision that tip VERY WELL.

My secret now is to just no do it, no, never again

Also not afraid of sharing my own furry art, in this case a warmup sketch idk if I will ever go back to


Especially, as people have pointed out plenty in the past, how openly LGBTQ+ accepting Furries have been for the longest time. Red flags/dogwhistles for days.


It’s one of those weird things where people who hate relentlessly on furries probably are 'phobic in one way or another, but they also might not be because they might be one of those people that genuinely believes that all furries commit unspeakable acts unto animals - which is a blatant falsehood, but at the same time if I was told that a group of people advocate for Shrek with animals, I also probably wouldn’t want to talk to them to confirm if that was true or not.

It sucks either way though because I feel the fandom is much better at bringing people together than being weaponized as the worst that humanity has to offer.


Just don’t got the energy to care about something that doesn’t harm me / anyone else, innit. I don’t even think I could actually call furries unusual anymore as someone who browses the internet – it’s a very big online culture.

They’re just doing their thing and cool, all power to them.


I love them, even if I can’t embed them in my post.

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Thank you!
She is my oldest OC and has been with me since I was 3? 4? So hearing people like her makes me go :blush:

And before people make the assumption, no I am not a furry I just like anthro designs/character design in general, furries are pretty cool tho just I am not one.
My primary OC these days anyway is based on my hunter :smug:

Nono, they’re funky IT, law and accountant people who scare me with their enthusiasm. I don’t mind their art at all.

They also fund a lot of scary monster art and for that the horror community is very thankful

-raises hand-

My secret is texture brushes
Your brain does all the work
I just throw colours onto a digital sheet of paper

That sketch is super cute <3 those ear tufts!


I use texture brushes, but I also just hate rendering fur in general ahhhh
Scales and feathers is fine, fur I loathe!!


On the other end of my artistic spectrum

All except the eye were from 2018


Thank you. And huh it seems this one entirely slipped under my radar at the time, I haven’t posted in it once at all!

For my part, I think that beast races are cool (argonians are a particular favourite), but I’m not too keen on the… furry aesthetic?

From my experience it tends to be quite colourful and stylised, which doesn’t fit my aesthetic preferences when it comes to OCs.

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Scales kill me because I can never tell myself to stop
Not the best example but if people want to I could try show how to do this stuff really quickly

Loving monster many eyes up there, very nice
And great blood texturing on that second piece, feels nice and sticky like it should


i always knew you were a loras of culture.

i agree though. stigma’s be damned. most furry and scalie races are just really cool in their design. please look at a khajiit, a hrothgar or a charr and tell me a miqote is visually cooler. i dare you


they’re different and i like both :relieved:

this is the way.