Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I would like a femhroth gf

same actually. i once again re-iterate i understand why magnus in ahm areng collapsed after his wife died. i too would be inconsolable losing my femhroth wife

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Yeah it’s just kind of brushing the strokes making sure that is follows the natural curve + minding the light source, similar that I used to render the feathers above on many eyes mcgee

Thank you, he is a big angry bird and the other was someones OC which had a lot of blood (I like rendering blood and fluids)

I like argonians, they’re very cool!

As for the generic furry aesthetic, yeah I feel you I am not a fan of the NEON SPARKLEDOG thing so most of my fuzzy creations lean on irl colour palettes, any colour highlights is in a trinket or clothing rather than on the critter.

Birds and reptiles though? Go abit wild, add some flair here and there but don’t over do it (for me personally)


my fursona is honestly just my discord profile picture (a hedgehog in a victorian-era military uniform, with a ruff and everything)


My own personal theory is that every sparkledog OC with it’s sickeningly bright colours was just unacknowledged homosexuality bursting out from their creators.


What a cool Sonicsona!!

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i will hunt you down and i will eat your shoes

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Good luck.

Their Argonian leather, s’wit.

Don’t worry
I’ve taken care of the issue for you


It honestly varies as widely and wildly as any other fandom.

There’s cartoony to realistic, super colourful to super gritty, high fantasy to sci-fi. And so on and so forth.


what have you done


Also like-- to add to the conversation above I am furry adjacent because my fursona is an actual monster and more bone, leaves and twigs than fur.

But also bombastic side-eye to the people who go on and on about furries being deviants, groomers etc.

I literally had this same tired conversation about trans people “last thursday” you ain’t slick, its a dog whistle at this point.


offerings will be left at the shrine for this

what NEEDED to be DONE maiev


in this trailer:
lots of NPC talk with little context
new environments
some bits and bobs from cutscenes
a bunch of new bosses

new badass knight lady just dropped


(I will not be playing this for at least like…2 months due to other games)


Why the quotation marks, am I missing some reference?

Honestly I never got the stigmatization of furries, even back in 2008 or so when I first learned of it.

They’re people who like anthropomorphic animal characters. So what? Why is this considered in any way deplorable? There are way way weirder interests out there.


Because some of them are into beastiality which is illegal in most countries.

Those that have been exposed for such are plastered on the likes of 4chan and kiwifarms, and that is where the stereotype comes from I imagine.

Much like Bronies before them, and other maligned fandom groups, it’s a minority that gives ammo to those that hate their existence.

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got my postal vote through, time to perform managed democracy (FPTP is not democracy)