Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

reminds me theres a guy out there making a living by drawing genshin impact waifu feet exclusively, on patreon.

makes you think when you work a 9-5.

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all of the bros in the discord server know my toes are very long

I don’t get the feet pics, except DP’s evidently, my feet just get pointed out if present at all

Listen if I ever get desperate I have already said I’ll just do furry commisions of THAT TYPE to make a living


If I was an artist I wouldn’t even need to be desperate. Furry’s where the money is and that’s all I’d need to know.


Stop tempting me with these kind of decisions in life


its where the moneys at and theres no denying it…

stare your tax officers down as their forced to check what your income came from

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Just like gacha games, once you hook a few high paying whales you’re set.

On a bit of a forums nostalgia trip, re-reading that thread from a few years back when someone posted an ad for a RP/content gf and got really testy when people were understandably baffled

Good times


a core memory has unlocked. that thread was a genuine trip especially with the uh

requirements list

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I actually saw them a few months ago in Stormwind. Their TRP was advertising for the same stuff again.

I don’t remember that one. What I do remember is that one dude who made a guild recruitment thread, advertised that grape was part of their rp, then proceeded to actually try and defend it.

Vaxir knows who I am talking about.

Listen you dont need to do NSFW stuff to make good money drawing furries, that’s just overkill if you do


we live on a colourful server

I do not recall this one, wow

It’s been a few years, but I sure do remember.

I’ll be honest, I thought we were talking about this guy:
But he’s actually coming off as kind of tame almost LMAO

:dracthyr_nod: true
but still… I don’t want to work in the furry mines

can’t they just pay me to exist?

yeah but have you ever rendered fur?

Why is he on WoW when there’s a draught of his people in the actual gathering places?

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you’ve drawn rexxar, it’s too late for you now

Yes and I only cried for an hour

You’re welcome.

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