Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Ah, I am exactly internet-poisoned enough to get this reference, fantastic

Not me. I’m wholesome and normal in every conceivable way.

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couldn’t be me honestly

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They were very well drawn to be fair which is kind of the point and/or the problem LMAO

Like to go back to furries - you can kinda tell when an artist is catering towards a certain demographic when certain things are drawn excessively detailed in comparison to everything else. It’s pretty immediately apparent if you’ve paid for a comm from a vore artist, for example - waaay too much detail on the mouth and teeth.

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Whispers Tyrande’s feet.

Took the test and I’m 29% likely to be a replicant. Is that good?

Survey says that’s normal

Yes, people like robots & androids too.

Pervs of the sea.

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I’d like to propose that ducks are FAR more deviant than dolphins.

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No, ducks are just biologically weird but it’s still basic reproductive urges. Dolphins are more… purposeful in their behaviour.


The corkscrew…

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Not just online, either.

People raised under “traditional” social mores who were never told no tend to lack the concept of personal boundaries.

By now I’ve met so many probably-cis definitely-het men who, upon learning I had a wife, started asking completely inappropriate and explicit questions. Or, despite me saying repeatedly that I wasn’t romantically interested in them, went with physical contact way beyond what I’m comfortable with.

People ranting about those yucky perverted gays/transes/furries/etc. are barking up the wrong tree.


consider: ducks make funny quacking sounds

also there was a mr duck who sat in the same spot near a road looking utterly sad for weeks after mrs duck got hit by a car on said road near where I grew up :frowning: I’ve never gotten over that

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:duck: :headstone:

RIP you’re in heaven with the angles now x


Yeah but when you were told “you may now kiss the bride”, which of you were they talking to and how were you certain that you were correct? Because you can’t both be the bride!

I mean you-. You can, and probably were, but I’ve already written this part out and I’m too committed to the bit to delete it and not send this now.


Yeah, I’ve had guys being really weird to me for just mentioning that I was bi, despite being married to a man.

And just being weird to me for simply existing too. Sometimes there doesn’t even need to be a prompt. Also god, I hate unwarranted physical contact.


he was sitting there for WEEKS just sadly quacking every now and then, this is an evil, cruel world


I feel sad for them :frowning:

Corvids do this too. There is an entire thing about crow funerals. (Corvids will gather in group around a dead one and seem to visibly mourn it)

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very glad my partner isn’t here she would be openly sobbing

I told her about the lava eel vore story and she was so sad for the lava vore eels


I feel her. I get very emotionally distressed hearing about unhappy or deceased animals. Even in fiction.

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