Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I do, I was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died


:point_up_2: Abso-hecking-lutely.


why did we never get a sequel to L.A Noire. that game was excellent

Because AAA industry demands feeding, and yet another COD/BF/Football game, and Growth must grow and numbers must go brrrrrrt.


Peeve: I’m on level 17 rep with the Niffen, finally, and not only did I not get the freebies that tier said I should get, but it feels like still miles to go for 19 and the Drake Helms, which is the only thing I actually want out of that rep :sweat_smile:

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That game cost, conservatively, about a bajillion dollars to make

a bajillion dollars well spent

Dipped into the latest Diablo 4 season as a barbarian (F).

When I try to use an ability that’s on cooldown she says “I must wait”, but I keep mishearing it as “I’m afwaid :(”

nice of them to put out a trailer for the new assassins creed game, but i’m afraid it’s not ghost of tsushima 2 and therefore has no place in my life


The usual suspects complaining about a bla-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

So boring and repetitive


my friend playing cyberpunk 2077 for the first time (lucky them for waiting this long) making me want to replay it, again, even though i just finished it for the third time like 6 months ago

what is wrong with me


Train to the End of the World had an extended House of the Dead for Sega Saturn sequence in the latest episode.


Extremely funny that people were like “AssCreed should do ninjas” since basically the series started, then they got sniped by Tsushima and owned them so hard that you justk now their ninja game won’t rate up.


tsushima genuinely set a bar so high i dont feel confident about any other studio trying their hand at the genre.

it is genuinely wild that we have been asking for a fuedal japan assassins creed since the first one and they were like “yeah maybe one day” when it was the IDEAL setting

like you say, they left it too late and now will never be able to top tsushima. literally the only thing tsushima lacks is proper towns which i’m hoping will be an addition for part 2


the only reason this wasnt a major gripe for me was because the countryside was so gorgeous it made me forget what a town even was

just want to duel a ronin in a back street at night


dame da ne’s in feudal japanese

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the world isn’t ready for that crossover

So apparently Warcraft 3 patch 1.31 (the last version before Reforged) introduced a number of bugs into the Reign of Chaos campaign. In orc mission 5, Grom loses his inventory slots, making him unable to equip items, until he drinks from the Chaos Well. And though I haven’t reached those missions yet, apparently there are two similar bugs in the night elf campaign.

Since this was also the patch that introduced widescreen and high-resolution support, it seems I’ll have to downgrade to 1.30 and play these missions in 1400x1050 to get the intended experience.


have you looked at rise of the ronin
I assume there’s ronin in that
I haven’t played it yet

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