Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

the summary of my earnest point is that i find it morally objectionable to throw people in my own community under the bus in the hopes that the people who despise my chosen identity will maybe stop hating it

because they won’t. you can doubt and appease as much as you like, but so many of them will never accept us

you can see this happen in real time with any outspoken right-wing talking head who also happens to be queer/non-white/not-male. they will be thrown in the dumpster by their alleged peers without any provocation


This is why Loras is taking over your household.

You are weak.

I like to do the right thing and funny thing at the same time, here, by arguing the Sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade was squarely to be blamed on Eastern Roman politics (and the Byzantine ruling class was not the victim in the slightest here!) before I start beating up Paradox game fans again, it’s an event they’re always particularly agitated about my thorough investigations have revealed

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This. So much this.

Like that woman who shot a video of a non-passing trans woman in a bathroom stall, and YouTube comments were like “that’s it, show these freaks!” Disregarding how, you know, she invaded someone else’s bathroom stall to score cheap Controversy Points?

Or that initiative in Ohio that would authorize adults to inspect children’s genitals before letting them play school sports… For… er… their own good, I guess? That’ll teach them that school sports are more serious business than their own protection from weird adults who want to get into their pants. Or something.


It’s Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Now it’s Turkish delight on a moonlit night

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yeah but u can’t call it the sack of istanbul before it was even called istanbul. baka.

There was recently a State Official in Utah who pulled down the skirt of a teenage girl in public to “prove” that she wasn’t wearing underpants.

Said official has been fired and is being charged with sexual misconduct towards a minor.


I will quote one of my favourite there might be giants songs at any given opportunity and neither you nor God can stop me


It is a good song. My mind cannot change.

I’d say I’m gonna call the met on you, but you’d like that

are you a jrpg protagonist

I saw something recently about that Vivek guy in the US saying he respects the opinion of someone in his political tent that agrees with mostly everything he says but would not vote for him because he is Indian

Leopards eating faces moment


I’m the love interest from the first series that fades into the background afterward

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saw that earlier and it’s one of the examples i was thinking of, alongside conservatives thinking that caitlyn jenner is a mentally unhinged man in a dress

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he’s not saying anything, so i’m guessing that the man in the right hand panel is actually done with his crusade and confused why they are asking who’s next

right? that’s how it is, right?


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Sweet summer child.

he’s coming after 30-something white married men with young children next

Gamers are right after.

i’ll be leading that charge

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