Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Installing the core component around which your entire PC is based turns out to be very difficult

I was not expecting this much work


had the same thing when i built mine. they make it look so easy in videos but when you’re actually snapping things into place it takes more force than you expect, and it’s force you don’t want to use in case you break the very expensive hardware you just bought

I am mostly just inserting screws, why am I sweating


Because it’s very expensive if you do it wrong.


He got sick in Stormveil (kinda sorta planned, you can also find the place that happened but it’s pretty hidden) and tried to not be too obvious about it.

Leo has taken to sleeping in the cat bed on the floor.

This is where I found him when i got up today.

He’s now yelling at me from it.

Life of Cat.

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Fromsoft games have great lore.
Actually telling that lore is… yeah. Like, I get it; they have Their style, and I can respect it. But I can’t, and won’t, pretend it’s not as obtuse as hell.

Personally, I think making things just a little easier for a generically average human being to follow would not in any way detract from the games. Some of the Base Game ones aren’t too bad; Alexander, for instance, you run into in fairly straightforward places, and/or he drops huge hints on where he’s going next.

The DLC NPCs, on the other hand… yeah, their questline/triggers need fixing, outright. It’s just stupid how easy that all is to break, right now. And unlike a lot of Base Game NPCs, it DOES have a direct impact on your gameplay later on.


It’s raining… :face_holding_back_tears:

Lying on the floor, yelling at people… he’s just doing what I wish to do (minus the peeing, thanks)

Who, now? I am curious.

On my walk home I was flagged over by a Chinese student who asked me if I could fill out a short survey for their dissertation. When I ticked the box for ethnicity as White, she remarked that she liked white people because they were always so nice and polite.

Was this a line she used regardless of what people ticked? Perhaps. Given that I will never see her again and it harms no one to do so, I will instead choose to believe she was clumsily flirting, and accept the ego boost that comes from that conclusion.


Pee has been cleaned up to the best of my ability (pee enzyme destroying spray, washed everything) so until next time.

He has just decided that floor bed is adiquate to sleep on.

There’s being obtuse and then there is Fromsoft. It’s also been rather obvious that ever since Dark Souls(Or Demon souls if you want to be pedantic), they’ve gone from having cryptic, but catchable background lore to being as obscure as possible to the point that its frustrating at times. Not because it makes sense for their worlds, but because it is expected of them at this point.

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I am about 60% sure that I managed to install everything properly first time

god knows what that one hanging cable is for or where it was supposed to go


So, after much questing, my Grey Warden has finally come to Orzammar. The question is… who shall I pick. From a “What’s better for dwarves in the long run viewpoint” Bhelen is the man. However, as Elenthas pointed out, we learn that in hindsight as players who see a story. But what if I were to rp my warden as an actual person in Thedas, where would I end up then?

Now my warden is a Human Noble from the Cousland family. From what the game tells me so far, the Couslands were pretty well-liked around Ferelden, and seemed to be treating their people well. The warden also seems to be getting along well with their family, seeing as both parents and Fergus seem to like you. When Howe attacks, you flee so that you can find Fergus and warn him, so clearly your char seems to care about their relatives.

Come to Orzammar, where it’s heavily rumored that one of the two throne-candidates is a kinslayer, not just to his brothers, but perhaps even to their father the King aswell. To top things off he also is pretty underhanded, not too dissimilar from Howe and Loghain.
So I reckon he would probably want Harrowmont on the throne.

So, tl;dr, tempted to make Harrowmont king, it’s time for MIGA, Make Isolationism Great Again. Does my warden give him the golems though, now that’s another story…

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A counter is that a Cousland - a member of the nobility - will have been brought up to view blood as of defining importance to rulership and more specifically the monarchy. Bhelan is the last living Aeducan, the heir to the dynasty, regardless of how he reached that point.

Harrowmont is no Aeducan, and so he does not have the right to the throne. It could be as simple as that.

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That is also true, so I guess it comes down to what he thinks is more important, blood of nobility, or the way family is treated ( keeping in mind that he just saw his own get slaughtered).

Or does he let the fact he is a Grey Warden now prevail above all else and are all his actions in line with that train of reasoning…

Edit: if I help Bhelen though, that would give me a chance to repurpose Trump’s slogan. Make Aeducan Great Again.

The dwarf story is one of DAO’s best for that reason - it’s not cut and dry which option is best, for either choice you make

Shame it’s got the deep roads and oghren to drag it down


I still find is so funny that it’s the noble from the royal family that ends up being the reformer.

I like the mystery it builds up around the deep roads. But The Descent did the actual exploration far better justice.

It would’ve been nice I think if later lore showed that atleast Harrowmont was -somewhat- competent, but from what I read of the lore in Inquisition, they seem really determined to portray Harrowmont as even more of a bumbling fool who even cut costs on the statue of the Dwarf Warden paragon ( if dwarf was a Warden)…

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