Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

I know we already saw the meme, but now, the meme became a movie:


It’s joever

(probably for the better)


Copala Harris will lock the felon up


I’ll be honest, I don’t get this one. Joever as in Biden can’t defeat him or as in Biden will defeat him?

It would be nice, but will we see it happen. I hope so…

Anyhow I do wonder what the media over there are doing, you barely hear about it anymore, and they keep focusing on Joe to the point it’s near-obsessive.

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They’ve long figured out that Trump as president is way better for engagement ratings with their articles, that’s about it

i hate that you learn through the official world of warcraft argent dawn eu realm forums but he just stepped down as presidential candidate


I learnt through Steam DMs with an AoE2 friend.

He’s currently dooming hard, which I’m not sure how to feel about (in the sense that now Trump’s victory is inevitable).

Yeah, just -seconds- after I posted that, the 8 o’clock journal came on and showed it… oof.

i learned from a podcast exclusively made to talk smack about bad dead people, which was a whirlwind of emotions

Can they mention Trump next?

How dare you u_u

I just want to find a place with little to no /roll use :pensive:

Is that a step up or down from the Supernatural meme?


I learn most of it from Imgur.

the episode is definitely coming

one of the hosts pre-wrote many, many words about henry kissinger, just waiting

If what they say is true, I do find it funny they would post this.

Probably the reason they are former is specifically because of that attitude.

Good riddance.

I see you also watch Caelen Conrad and Hoots.

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Unrelated to it being joever, I’ve been having a lot of fun with the Updated Victory Conditions total warhammer mod (rather than just being ‘take X settlements’ they write flavourful conditions, like Daniel the Daemon Prince occupying all of Kislev’s major cities)

and every time I get the ‘win a campaign as X faction’ achievement I note just how few players actually have them, never seen it above like 3% of players and that was for the high elves, one of the highest-played campaigns

I swapped dragocat’s weapon from rippling halberd to Morgott’s Cursed Sword a few days ago which meant having to sacrifice a load of levels in the respec for the now needed 35 dex.

So I am now killing the crow perhaps over 200 times to recoup the lost stats in other places.

But that curved sword feels so much better than the halberd.

I don’t think I’ve ever ‘officially’ completed an Immortal Empires campaign. I’ve only finished the Vortex one in TWW2 with Dark Elves, and the TWW3 one with Kislev, and that’s it despite my hours in the games.

I think it’s like 50 settlements taken/razed/etc for the achievement level ones without the mod, which is around the point in a campaign where getting that is trivially easy but extremely boring

Most recent one I finished was Throgg, which was an interesting lesson in just how bad a faction can be mechanically while still being actually very fun to play

and the Crow (nurgle) reward at the top is insane, he gives Horrible Regeneration to his entire army

yeah that’s why I never get there

I’m asking nicely.