Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

i know im partically a lalafell irl :pensive:

its so gross and baffling. society has people conditioned so awfully. tall queens and short kings shouldnt have to be sorry for it.


i have a visceral reaction when i encounter someone taller than me irl. it happens so rarely that i’m just not prepared for it

Do what I do, melt.

I can’t do that because I’m not made out of ice/snow.

Then just stutter awkardly and shuffle your feet.

Everyone has a melting point including you!

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Yeah it should just be whatever. I realize I’m lucky in that regard in that I’m tall ergo what society says is attractive in men, but I’ve never particularly cared for it the way people seem to make a big deal out of it?

Tall women are cool though, I like not having to break or otherwise twist my back to get eye-to-eye


People should get more compliments! Everyone should be able to feel happy about themselves if its their own desired bodyshape.

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are you threatening me master jedi

This is stupid.

I’m proud of being tall (even if it feels weird to be proud of a biological feature I had no control over) and there’s no other height I’d rather be.

Related peeve: imperial units. They’re a heresy to be sacrificed to the one true god, metric.


my spine feels crooked from just talking to my mom and my ex who are both much shorter than me. if i have to do it again ill be on a walking stick before im 40.

they genuinely should. and its why its nice to see people feel like their represented in their bodyshapes in games.


That’s actually part of the reason I play an elezen. Seeing my height and body shape represented.


Its how I feel too about my own height. Im happy with it.

I have felt self concious abouth other things alot before like being small chested, but im mostly happy with myself.

Why you think I play alot of gnomes, Asura and the like!


usually i would disagree but metric actually favours me in height because it’s a perfect 2 metres, which sounds cleaner and cooler than a lame 6’5

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In real life, in practice? :100:

But I do love imperial units in my fantasy. Makes them just so much more whimsical and fantastical because of how dumb they are.

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in my case its to see how the other half live when a tall woman pushes them against a wall :pensive: ive a friend who plays all shorties because they love drawing wholesome short woman/tall woman art and its kind of adorable.

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meanwhile I’m out here describing the size of the giant elk the party is fighting in cubits

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Americans: “I’ll measure this tree in shoelaces. Or buckets. Anything other than metrics”

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most of my exes were pretty short - im cooking up a ball and chain joke in this vein, a really good one’ll come to me soon im sure!!

I think I’m genuinely uncomfortable getting compliments, it just feels awkward (and that’s not good!)


love me fulms and yalms

fulm pics above all else

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