Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

:nerd: :point_up: Actually, Elenthas, the causation isn’t proof of correlation when it comes to the types of magic the different priests and followers of the Gods use. The Red Priests fire magic could just as easily be dragon-related or entirely detached from the actual God they worship and the Drowned God’s blessings (read: being held underwater and salted) are similarly just acts of religion and tradition that don’t necessarily actually bless the person. Likewise, the Seven may or may not be real, but do have an uncanny nack for causing things to happen when their names are invoked.

Galleys were the mainstay of pretty much every Mediterannean power until the 14th century, and continued to be the main platform for gunpowder-based weaponry afterwards until the 16th to early 17th century, even in the North Sea (the French assaulted Scottish territory with them, for example, and Spain used them in the Netherlands throughout the 80 Years’ War).

iirc ‘galley’ has also been wrongfully used to describe longboats, historically, at times but overall I don’t think it’s a strange choice, galleys were the mainstay of naval warfare for much longer than people usually think - Louis XIV, the Sun King, had a whole fleet of them for both amusement and patrolling the Mediterranean!

I think we generally don’t think of galleys in that context because the English and Dutch fleets weren’t big on them (but did have them), and the Spanish treasure fleet to the New World didn’t have any either


So I see! I learn more every day, and it’s an interesting history!

too much positivity, I must provide balance


lmao nerd

Have you considered what I said is funnier though



Medieval ships is something people generally don’t know much about until you get to the early modern era, when I think a lot of people think of the big Dutch, English, and Spanish galleons, but if you look at paintings of the Battle of Lepanto, which was in 1571, you basically just see a lot of galleys that, were it not for all the gunpowder smoke and the Venetians and Spanish inexplicably being dressed in vaguely landsknecht-y clothes, could be mistaken for a much, much earlier battle

Off the top of my head, the Franks started building their ships bigger than the longboats used by the Vikings specifically to counter said longboats (because building castles on land counters the raiders, ergo making your ships floating castles dunks on them at sea as well), so that could well be the reasoning as to why they’re as widespread in Westeros too, assuming there was a longboat history for its not!vikings before

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Yeah but then I didn’t get to say “:nerd: :point_up: ackshually” :pensive:

in my case I am too dense to take it as either even if it was flirting.

litterally me tho. “They seem really friendly :)”

And so our story begins…but who is the hero of this story?

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More like

E: “look, a superior, more intuitive system was invented!”

A: “Nah, I’m good. Gonna keep measuring things by medieval standards and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. I’m bigger, haha. Ooh, I can make you use it too!”

E: “N-no you can’t, that’s absurd!”

A: “Whatchu say, shorty? I was busy using these arbitrary body parts in all our scientific papers. Especially space exploration. You’re never getting off tjis rock without me! Aahahhaa! Brrlblblblrl!”


Guys and gay women sharing the same feature: Waking up at night 12 years later and realizes. “Oh, she WAS flirting with me.”


i didn’t realise my wife was flirting with me until the day we got married

i thought she was just being friendly


this happened to me with a girl i liked in high school and i never recovered from it



Mainly because galleys are ideal for the mediterranean waters and channel/inland conditions, lethally unfit for north sea and atlantic conditions.

Beans :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I’m actually a top, but am down to meme.

Sigourney Weaver can absolutely step on me.


Somebody stole my parcel.

I did get a random parcel addressed to my partner that neither of us were expecting, you didn’t order clay beads by any chance did you :V

Nope, I ordered a hoodie, the image they left shows its poking out of my letter box but its not there so somebody has pinched it.


Grinding the crow for 70 int. I have used over 600 crossbow bolts.

Still got 22 levels to go.

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