Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Oh no, don’t worry.
You don’t kill him, if you follow his questline to Altus :+1:

I would try for you, but I’d have to be able to know how to do that for myself, first :pensive:

I’m thinking more that if I kill him right at the start I get his shiny katana immediately without going through all effort of doing his entire questline first.

We truly suffer together

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I mean, his questline is really relatively short.
Also, if you go one more step after the Altus part you can also get his set :ok_hand:
(Its not great, sadly…)

looks VERY cool though

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The Elden Bloodsouls curse; if it looks really cool, the odds are high its stats/poise are ‘meh’ :pensive:

my feel when i found the carian knight armour. i wanted to wear it so bad

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I am on my mage.
With bullgoats talisman it tips you over the 51 poise breakpoint, and is light enough to at least be worth it.

You know you suck when you can’t get your glasses clean no matter WHAT you try and then you give them to your mum and she just makes them sparkling.

i found that just wiping them with a cloth or a shirt barely does anything. it just smudges them

gotta properly clean them with water or a spray of some kind. gets it real nice


I have to get proper lil cleaning cloth things or else, yeah.
Glasses are Satan’s Dustrap :pensive:

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if you have a pet or small child, then holding your glasses up to them will get them to clean it for you by licking it

follow me for more bad life advice

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microfiber cloths are good enough for glasses most of the time, no?
and there are special washing agents or w/e for glasses too if it’s really bad


This is the best way if you have it to hand.

To clean glasses I just use some water and a droplet of soap, works like a charm

Seagulls suck.
“Oh, but they’re just-”
No. Shut up. They’re vile creatures, and the worst part is they don’t stop being vile when they’re dead.
Just had to try and get a deceased one, sans head from the looks of it, into some bin bags. Made that way by other gulls, previously on my roof then dropped onto the garden.

Been about a day, and that’s still the foulest smell I’ve ever experienced. And one of my old homes had a sceptic tank, and we drove past a silage works from time to time. Ye Gods.

Horrible creatures. Wouldn’t shed a single tear if they all vanished tomorrow.

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I think this might be the first time ive heard raid themes that were just 4/4 bangers. Trying to work but im spending most of my time humming.

Whoever thought Persona 5 x ARMS, Gyaru idol pop, Kylecore rock and a rwby OP were good raid tracks needs a raise.

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Three out of eight.

I’m finally home, back from the meet.


That’s why I had eye surgery. So I won’t have to worry about cleaning, misplacing, breaking, or replacing glasses ever again.

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