Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Bronze section of thaldraszus, I believe they’re on the right hand side, one for each raid

They sell appearances of the RF/normal/heroic/mythic weapons

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the french really, really, really know their visual design


That and one of the shields are probably the only things I’ll buy…

The Parting Glass, to the right of the normal Bullion traders. Next to the bookshelves.

I didn’t know this… TY both!

I finally bought the maddening tome after a decent shot of farming aberrus raid finder, only to find out it looks like garbage because it’s so big on your waist


I will say tho that I think the Eiffel tower lightshow looked pretty bland. I’m a fireworks guy, so I was hoping we’d see some stunning fireworks. Unfortunately, nope.

I am however perplexed at my own countrymen complaining that thw finnish team got a cheap/trash looking boat to ride on.

And I am like… What? Did you completely miss some of the small boats that looked like they were literally 1 day away from bwing sank?

Compared to those we got a 5 star cruiser!

Also our announcers (Finnish) were quite bad this time because they didn’t know almost any of the names of the athletes carrying the olympic flame safe for Serena and Nadal.

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it’s weird that youtube doesn’t allow you to outright block channels


I was initially thinking, when it went dark, that they’d light the flame underneath it and it’d get all lit up!

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The algorithm demands I watch history documentaries and get nsdap propaganda recommendations. Or listen to swedish music and get nsdap propaganda. Or watch a cooking video and get nsdap propaganda.

The system works as intended, apparently. Oof. I’m 78% sure it operates on a “people who watched X also watched Y” basis along with a “varied media diet” poison pill to dump something new and exciting in your system.

I just with I could buy the cracked titan gem. 200 bullion, whatever, better odds than I was given.

They’ll AI voice Tony Jay and I’ll just wilt inside.

A gentle reminder to the monarchists.

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Watching/listening to the 1 (one) non-early 20th century and actually authentic/historical Landsknecht song will immediately result in being recommended the entire hitlerjugend songbook

(you can tell the difference because the faux ones are about how awesome and heroic german mercenary soldiers are while the real deal’s about singing how you’re starving to death god please where’s my paycheck)

further enhanced by being done in the prison slash courthouse where marie antoinette was held and brought before court, and right about everyone else that was executed during the terror

Shoutout to the ceremony giving attention to Olympe de Gouges, executed for her anti-revolutionary, centrist beliefs such as ‘women should have fully equal rights’, ‘slavery is horrible and should be banned’, ‘everyone should deserve a lawyer when brought before court’, and ‘perhaps let’s not kill everyone with slightly different political beliefs and focus on building a proper republic’ (i curse you forever robespierre)


Should’ve tried winding down for bed earlier. Co-op interval got longer and longer, and hosts more and more Stupid/un-vigored, resulting in tons of wasted time.

Getting one-shot by DLC weapon spam from Invaders is so eyeroll worthy. Guarentee these self same people whinge about ‘ganks’, while leaning all their weight on the plethora of crutches. And then shriek and rage about people asking for difficulty options and no invasion stuff.

Reeks of hypocrisy and tryhard sweat :unamused:

(I was trying to get the Uber Eats character running, but the RNG on appropriate clothing drops is competing with WoW for sheer terribleness…)

its been really nice today to just go back to ff9. just really took me back to a good place in my life. needed that today.

…what I didnt need right after was being exposed to peoples actually excessive hatred of Wuk Lamat. just say you hate her coz shes a woman, its so much easier than trying to pretend your points hold water jfc.

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A lingering threat to kill them… and then restore them six times.



We’ll wither together.

(Also would have to AI voice Vorador and Janos)

Also, not being funny but-- is Michael Bell still knocking around? Dude’s ancient.


Yup, still around. And an OG Transformers voice actor, noice.

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How come using my brain to think about how my brain thinks doesn’t cause a stack overflow?

Earthen are basically the wrong people to arm wrestle!

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I didn’t like this trailer.

I find the weird focus on having a single face, head on, in the centre of the screen, very boring. I understand its use as a unifying shot but it’s just kinda…eh. Visually uninteresting.