Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

-Gets through one new bit of Farum Azula, despite Bloody Crucible Knights™-
-Feels a bit better and decides to try a co-op run for more levelling-

-Gets invaded and Ash of War spammed to death (a new one this time! Yay!! So fun!!!) by an invader that can just walk off all damage they take just fine.

-Goes Hollow…

I spent from just after 9am until 5pm filling up the Pokédex on Scarlet. I managed to get everything, finally, after saying I’ll do it since… A long time. Pain in the butt to get some things though, like Palafin. But now I have the dex completed on both Sc and Vi and now I will proceed to rest before farming herbs and then going shiny hunting the paradox mons.

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I’ve watched the M4 Hobbit until the moment when the Company finds the secret door.

I can say with confidence that this is, to me, the definitive version of a Hobbit movie. By cutting down all the superfluous plotlines (Kili’s wound, the chasing orcs, the physically impossible action, orcs in Laketown, Gandalf’s investigation, Alfrid, etc.) and focusing entirely on Bilbo and the dwarves, the editor created a much stronger work, both more faithful to the book and more focused thematically, with the primary themes being Bilbo’s gradual growth throughout the quest and the dwarves, especially Thorin, coming to respect him. All the while the reasons for Gandalf’s disappearances remain comprehensible to a lay viewer: he’s discovered that there’s evil creeping into Mirkwood, and has ridden off to investigate it. This particular story doesn’t need to reveal anything more than that, since the nature of this evil will be revealed in the sequel — that is, in LOTR.

It makes for a perfect viewing with Jackson’s LOTR trilogy watched immediately after.


sometimes i feel like im the only person who, despite the flaws of the film and having actually read the hobbit, still doesnt mind jacksons movies


I don’t think they’re not bad. They can still be entertaining.

But there is a stark difference in how it was made compared to Lotr that is noticeable. When Lotr was being made, it was a huge undertaking, and given to a relatively small-name director at the time. Jackson was mostly known for really weird and screwed up b-horror movies.

Lotr trilogy was a big passion project from everyone involved.

Meanwhile, the hobbit was more of a cash-grab, raking in on the success that tolkien’s world had become. It’s also almost entirely CGI compared to the original trilogy.

Alot of the additional content that is original to the movies are also, in my opinion, for the worse, and very obviously done for broad audience appeal(Like the love story).


now now no hating on the elf dwarf romance it added to the stor-… oh you didnt mean gimli and legolas


Gimli: Good with words. Playful banter with his boyfriend and kindly asks for Galadriel’s hair without being creepy.

Kili while he is dressed like an unshaven hobo, hasn’t bathed in weeks and currently a prisoner: “SeArCh Me…I cOuLd HaVe AnYtHiNg DoWn My TrOuSeRs!” Winks at the pretty elven guard.


We can make more than one dracthyr per realm now

The scalie arc begins


Yet another reason to abandon discord as a platform for anything ever. Yuck.


Predictably, the comments about the one eyed, one armed paladin is dIverSity aNd IncLuShioN. Meanwhile, all I’m seeing is a warrior society where you just don’t quit.


Drek’thar isn’t actually a powerful orc shaman with the respect of the frostwolf clan, he’s just a diversity hire.


These losers who whine about this just don’t stop. It’s so annoying.

Imagine spending your entire waking life actively scouring every media for even the smallest hint of something that isn’t considered “ordinary” so you can complain about how its “woke” or “Diversity”.

What a boring life.


welcome to how we ff14 fans have been feeling seeing the same bile about our new lady warrior

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But she’s so hot!


shes hot. shes delightful. she is joy.

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It must be exhausting.

But I’m sure me commenting on this at all is hypocrisy, expending energy and time to bother with these dorks. I’ve been triggered by their incising commentary… :roll_eyes:

Pics plz

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D’aww, kitty!


i adore her but im sad for her that shes become a litmus test for weeding out bigots :pensive:


What about her is upsetting to bigots?