Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

I found the problem.

WoW has a built-in screenshot feature they keybind by default and it activates when you push the button. This is also baked into the selfie cam for the same purpose, treating the interface cam button as equivalent to the keyboard push.

What I did was to go out of my way to unbind the screenshot key ingame. It doesn’t do that anymore, defaulting to the hardwired selfie automation if you’re not in game. It’s new, it’s annoying but I won’t have to think about my folder filling with hundreds of mog shots for my to-do list.

Long story short, capping my warband from the start screen or character closeups for outfit shots now unavoidably saves garbage in the folder but ingame it does not. Know the difference, disable your keybind.

always the most boring way to do it - my demon hunter had a knee-down prosthetic and showing its strengths (kicking straight through a demon’s chest) and weaknesses (my knee aches, it locks up when it rains, stealth is not an option any more clank step clank step) was the whole point

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Hysterical because Faerûn is canonically libertine and tolerant, elves especially (of course?) being very much all about that. The problems come if you’re the wrong kind of demihuman.

Your noble daughter loves another woman? That’ll complicate the succession but the wedding is next week. Your noble daughter loves a damn genasi? Over your dead body!

So I’ve begun watching House of the Dragon season 2 finally, watched the first two episodes so far. Good -Lord- am I starting to dislike Ser Christon even more.

On the Lothar topic, my problem is that Faerin does not resemble Anduin anywhere at -all-. You only know she’s a Lothar because you are told she is.

They just don’t look alike even remotely.

I genuinely want prosthetic options for characters, magical or otherwise. It destroys the point of mechagnomes along the way but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


I think that’s the problem with trying to portray disabled characters, regardless of if it’s disability through injury, birth, anything - there’s this tendency or even want to make them as close to being able-bodied as possible. I think I’ve been guilty of this on occassion, though I like to think I’ve improved over the years.

I RP’d with a mage character the other day who’s entire arm is this big elaborate crystal prosthetic, and kudos to them but they took it off because it started to cause the character discomfort - that to me is somebody who understood the assignment a lot more.


The monkey paw curls

Granted, but your character now also wears diapers similar to mechagnomes.


There’s a distressing number of people on Argent Dawn who would probably celebrate that. :nauseated_face:


Okay so, I love the actual cultural vibe and lore the Mechagon gnomes have, with the greaser subculture vibes they bring and their story.

But why did they need to make them look so ugly??


I feel you - I’ve always tried to put emphasis on the fact that although demon hunters have some kind of sight (and in the case of seeing through walls it’s substantially better than sighted folks) they are meant to be blind, they rely on their hearing and spectral sight and touch - like they can tell someone’s standing near them but if you hold up a can of paint they do not have a chance of telling you what colour it is

It’s fascinating and I try to do it justice


Mechagon gnomes are super advanced, and in my headcanon they run off of quantum computing.

They are all non-binary.


Nice gender loser did your firmware engineer pick it for you


My invasion repetoire has expanded.
Woe; (fresh) crab be upon ye.

A combination of a lack of an actual job keeping them busy and a lack of proper hobbies and problems greater than the non-existent. Also I swear none of this was a problem like 10-20 years ago.

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That’s the ‘funny’ thing (i.e. it’s not funny at all, these people are just dense and hateful), the ‘woke mind virus’ is all used to describe stuff that has been around for decades, if not centuries.

It wasn’t an issue, until hatemongers made it one.

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N-no… not like this…

So I’ve always had forest green eyes with a brown ring around the pupil. Usually you’d call that central heterochromia, but recently I was informed that brown/green mix is hazel??

mechagnomes do not have a fraction of this swag, nor will they ever


Just my luck that I’m playing MoP Remix after 11.0 was released, and the quest “SI:7 Report: Lost in the Woods” is bugged.

A quest that is also mandatory to continue with the Jade Forest storyline and can’t be skipped thanks a lot Blizzard.

Edit: finished it by exploiting a bug.

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Acti-Blizz released this thing about skill based matchmaking (specifically in Call of Duty) in which they tested its removal without telling some people in order to gauge responses.

To briefly summarise: Its removal made the top 10% of players more likely to come back and play more, while the bottom 90% of players had the opposite effect. It also increased quit rates (mid-match exits) for the bottom 80% of players, while only markedly decreasing it for the top 10%, and increased ‘blowouts’ across the board - where one team utterly dominates the other without any real challenge.

Nothing real surprising here, it’s not data that’s going to shock anyone, but it’s nice to have it regardless.