Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Except the same people who post this sort of thing also tend to complain about too many people playing too many exotic race-class combinations, at least in my anecdotal experience.

As for your issues with the poll, I struggle to see why the population of D&D Beyond wouldn’t be representative of the general D&D-playing population, especially with such a massive sample size. Those redone charts neglect to mention that the y-axis is measured in thousands.

Always enjoyed Warhams, appreciation’s grown over just how fleshed out the Empire is and how fantastic a setting for roleplaying games it makes.

My historical interests tend to overlap (my hatred for Boris Toddbringer matches that of that of Other Hard-named but historical Man, Albrecht von Wallenstein… curse thee!)

Just my recommendation based on what I’d imagine the experience to be like if you play to things true to how they are written, generally, really (and I imagine a game based on a shared passion of a specific universe/setting would try to be such!). It’s always Yourhammer™ to do with as you please though of course

I know that, NERD!
See what the DM says when is done looking, learning and not playing Bloodbowl all the time.

Close enough, welcome back khazrak the one-eye

Inferior Boris.
Only Boris the Red matters.

people that are into Bloodbowl are always like, REALLY into Bloodbowl

should’ve finished the job (before dying)

i can think of no warhammer fantasy character more overhyped than toddbringer

certified as 100% true by Reiklander, Nordlander, and Kislevite patriots

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Imrik needs more appreciation.

He’s already got an ego the size of his dragon, he doesn’t need any help


They like Space Marines because ‘muh ubermench!’, human supremacy brainrot, “no there’s no subtext, its just a load of jacked guys being bros, you don’t understand!!”

I like Space Marines because loss of humanity to try and defend humanity, become monsters to fight monsters, broken and tragic figures who deserve better than religious zealotry bigging them up in the name of a ‘god’ who wins Worst Dad Forever.

We are not the same.

can anyone recommend an archery bracer that is both effective and easy to put on alone because the two I’ve tried have had frustrating flaws

They’re one of the few races with innate flight (50ft of it, even!) and they’re one of the few races that has a bonus to both Dex and Wis. Bird-monks being popular is almost certainly a powerplay pick.

I mean you are well-aware, although I know you’re trying to say it subtly, that I am against such pretty strictly and have always been really. I really don’t see the issue w/ having that stance regarding WoW Race-Class Combos because more often than not the people who desire it just turn their character into a [Generic Argent Human Paladin] or [Generic Earthern Ring Orc Shaman] anyways. :pensive:

So; yes-and-no, its complicated, right? Whilst polls of a couple thousand are “good” for metrics and general gauging they aren’t really viable for upscaled perspectives; the average level of a character on those D&D Beyond charts for example is only 4, which is just 1 level above what most people start their campaigns on, implying that a significant majority of the created characters are just alts or concepts people have made using the D&D Beyond Character Creator.

I have upped my amount of sentient species in my story to six(ish) and i am very cautious about adding more.

Two of them have a very diverse array of races (yeah, I use the words properly)

If i have a character and I just cannot fit it into one of the species already then I guess I have a new one to contend with.

actually I think I hate talking about 40k online mostly because of the sort of behaviour best illustrated with the whole ‘muhh woke custodes’ arguments

I’ve got a full 2000 point army for the Horus Heresy of Sisters of Silence (and more coming!), primarily converted, love their look, love their lore, love the way they play, everything really. Impossible to talk about because Side 1 in that argument says they’re female custodes already, and Side 2 says they’re stupid and smelly and suck to own Side 1. Both are not fun to witness.

Friend played a Barbarian aarakocra with I think the grappler feat

he’d grapple and fly all the time it was pretty funny


And somewhere inbetween those, he was down bad.

Wait you can pick where you start as malakai?! I just started up in Kraka Drak cause it was default.

The Terminally Online of 40k are the same breed of Stinky as the Star Wars kind.
Insufferable, and make it everyone elses problem :pensive:

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Also very tiring talking to the cishets about trans stuff.

I came out to my aunt and cousin and while they were accepting, discussion about issues came up and certain red flags were raised.

Cousin did message me later that night after i was home like; “i looked at more recent studies and changed my mind” (for the better) but still, exhausting.


Distantpeak has 473738 mods running at any given moment, important context


There’s a tendency to always want to argue that their Wardollies or faction of interest or whatever are better than yours

and if they think something sucks they want to argue and insist that their suffering, anguish even, is always worse than yours

boo, hiss (i press ‘buy’ on another overly expensive sister of silence plastic box)

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Right I keep forgetting that…

But what about pressing Buy on another overly expensive Ultramarines plastic box?