Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Day in the life of a true Brexit Geezah

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Can’t speak to the rest but I get the ‘pulse’ thing all the time. Arm, leg, foot, whereever. Just randomly feel a pulse. Goes away when I slap it.

Always sorta speculated that it’s one of those sensations that’s always there but your body just kinda ignores, filters out, but when you’re bored/stressed or focusing on your bodies internals anyway suddenly it aknowledges it. No proof of that mind but given I have regular (as in yearly) hospital visits due to a medical condition and the doctors effectively gone ‘yeah that doesn’t matter’, it makes sense.


I’m similarly drawn to dystopian and/or dysfunctional authoritarian factions in most media that I consume. Noxus, Garlemald, Thay, the Forsaken, Cheliax, the Galactic Empire, etc. Not that I actually admire these places or consider them aspirational in any shape or form, but a part of my brain just goes “edgy authoritarian stuff, cool” whenever I see these factions.

In MtG, this means that I usually enjoy the flavour of WB and WBx factions. Orzhov, Dusk Legion, Esper, Abzan, Mardu, etc. For some reason though, I don’t really let flavour influence the types of decks that I make.

I share your enjoyment of white decks though, as my favourite is currently a human tribal deck that revolves around lots of annoying little “play fair or else” cards like Thalia, Esper Sentinel and Coppercoat Vanguard. No noncreature cards allowed.


Both of these honestly absolutely slap in aesthetic and design. Having the vampires be spanish conquistadors was perfect. They also look really cool and I love the lore implication that they lack the typical weaknesses of vampires (like sunlight), and also seem to get more of a rush from blood than it being just food.

Orzhov is equally neat. It’s like Amazon meets a megachurch, which meets necromancy. Indebted servitude and worship mixed into one, and even in the afterlife you gotta pay your tithe and the money you owe.


It doesnt help that the vast majority of these factions also have their drip game completely on point. Is Garlemald evil? Yes. Is their doman uniform immaculate? Unfortunately, yes it is.


Inexplicable evil and high fashion just seem to work well together.


Commissioning a design for an evil empire’s soldiers only to turn around and use it for the plucky rebels, entirely unchanged.


joining the bad guys just because they’ve got the best fit


this is regretably (not sorry for it) what influences most of my rpg choices

The rebels aint gonna give you your own perfectly tailored uniform that is both comfortable and visually stunning.

Also, the evil empire gives you health benefits and free holidays.

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For me it’s that the ‘good’ guys are often incredibly stupid. Not always but there’s distinct pattern. I don’t know why writers seem to want to make their rebellious, good guy noble groups so dumb they’d never really get off the ground but they do seem to.

“we’ll overthrow the empire!”
“and after?”

Ok the Empire blew up a planet, really bad, but you know what? At least they have a supply chain going.

Not sure if that’s explained well. Or maybe I’m just evil, who knows.


I think blowing up a planet counts as disrupting the supply chain (bad!)

minthara has more drip in her pinky finger than any other companion has in their entire body

Star Wars in a nutshell as they completely allowed the remaining Imperial forces to not only exist, but to unite into bigger and badder groups and Warlords like the First Order.

my favourite star wars trivia is knowing the death star had malls and rec centers. like damn who wouldnt sign up.

it was alderaan. as anyone thats played swtor can tell you the loss is sad but of no great loss


they really shouldn’t have called it the death star tbqh

PR nightmare


It was a planet of rich people leeching.

Good lord I can’t believe I’m even jokingly justifying that. But there we are.

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NGL, I would enjoy a Star Wars movie or miniseries focusing on the daily life of someone working in imperial administration or a Stormtrooper.

Not their active duty, but just their usual life when they don’t fight rebels.

the empire were the goodies after all for eating the rich???