Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

The difference is when I do it, it’s not actually a mistake. Not really.

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your the DOGS wreacking havoc throughout my FOUNDRY? step forward and i will PUT YOU in your PLACE


I have my criticisms of warlords but

“What do you want, little girl?”

“Your. Head.”

went unfathomably hard, Yrel was robbed


I was very excited at first. Pre-release, they sold the idea that Yrel would be a character we would follow over several years, who would grow into a new permanent Alliance leader and we would be with her from the start of her journey.

And she had a good start, but they then rushed it, scrapped it all and botched and abandoned her storyline. Sad :frowning:


She definitely should have also escaped the portal, having a counterpart to Velen in a draenei leader who actively wants to put her hoof through people’s faces would be depth they sorely need


It would also have been an interesting allegory to real world politics. The Draenei are very old, Velen in particular.

Some fresh blood in their leadership is greatly needed. There’s alot of interesting things they could have done with that.

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Hard to think of too many characters who could take the reins. Maybe Fareeya? Even that’s a big ask because she’s such a minor character

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Who also has the same VA as yrel

Im in the yrel was robbed camp as well tbf. Draenei who arent depicted as these wise old sages are rare enough, having a spitfire like yrel would have been an absolute narrative win.

Also her hots design is top tier and mommy


Guess i am not going out Friday afterall.

Yrel was robbed, we were robbed of more depth/ a tier in the WoD story, and ‘Oh no, Light Bad actually’, whichbis all the depth the Mag’har recruitment actually gave when the Outland Mag’har are right there was bad and stupid, actually.

Just kicked the cat in the face.


Oh, one million years dungeon D:<

sorry can’t make room for her, there’s a human that needs to be in charge instead

are these two related

pow, right in the kisser

Jail for parent!

He’s probably like; “good” Now after he got kicked.

He hasn’t moved, he’s still under my feet. He’s going to get kicked again.

It was!

Feed the poor baby instead

nothing poor about that cat.

He gets bullied so much :frowning: sweet little thing

Lots of posts in the last few hours, anything spicy?

That is good wisdom