Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)


Their little tipy taps when they run are so cute


Question for tabletop people:-
How do you feel about “unwinnable” fights being played out?

Context: At the end of Baldur’s Gate, the party is captured in a cutscene, which shifts them into captivity for the start of BG2. They are set upon by overwhelming numbers, using poisons and magic, and subdued. It is, essentially, an impossible encounter.

Would you want this to play out in combat, to see how long you could Halo Reach Survive? Or would you rather just skip past it and have the capture be narrated?


I think it depends in how it is portayed and my expecations.

If i know ahead of time that we are likley not gonna win, it can be thrilling to see where it goes, and if there is a clear reason for it.

If I have no clue its unwinnable it tends to feel cheap in hindsight.


I am not the target demographic
but I wish to have make my opinion known anyway:

yes, but it has to be obviously unwinnable and spicy enough
(and maybe you get a cool +respect bonus with the enemies after)


What they said

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make sure you play the beatrix battle music from ff9 so you know it’s unwinnable

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Halo reach it. If my characters going down i want to at least let it be a memorable experience regardless if its heroic or just downright embarrasing.

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I was thinking if I were to do it they would get a bonus (exp or some other reward) based on enemies defeated or rounds they stay up.

mah queen


me realising that fight is soon before me again :skull:

i look forward to it everytime.

but not as much as i look forward to having her be briefly playable. iconic


Personally I’d still want to play it all out, either as DM or player. Because something can still happen, the specifics of how the combat plays out, maybe a lieutenant for the enemy gets taken out, or perhaps a player decides to fireball self in a last act of defiance.

The only thing I would caution is having a genuinely unwinnable fight. I think a good example is something like DA:O, when you’re trying to rescue Anora, and Cauthrien descends upon you. You’ve got options. Surrender, Fight - lose or win. Winning can be highly unlikely, but tabletops in general are some of those “never say never” type games. Creativity and thinking outside the box can and should be rewarded.

minor spoilers only because of names listed but seeing krile take second brings a smile to my face.

dont…go into the comments though. cant avoid the wuk lamat hate anywhere.

In video games I’m fine with them, in TTRPGs I hate them.

As a DM, if I present an encounter in the way of the players, then I intend there to be some way the players can move past it, be it engaging, or sneaking around, or sabotaging them (e.g. crushing a loose boulder on the heads of the entrance guards). I applaud creative ways in which players avoid combat. But I’ll never throw a situation at them where their only option is to fight and lose. It feels bad and smells of railroading.

Of course, if the players are feeling suicidal, like charging towards the dragon currently destroying the town in the distance, I won’t stop them (player agency is paramount), but I’ll sternly warn them that their decision is almost certain to result in their demise. If you make stupid decisions, you reap what you sow.


Nothing scares me more than the DM saying: “Are you sure…?” when I make a decision.


That or them taking notes silently…

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Definitely would want it to be played out; both because it could be 1-2 very sick sessions of high-tension combat where you very much know as players that your lives are on a knife’s edge and any move you make has the potential to tilt that knife’s edge towards falling off the table or keeping it on.

Maybe a player decides to toss some alchemist fire on the field, creating several areas of denial that the enemy would have to go around or risk suffering casualties; which would allow the players the ability to create a chokepoint or the possibility of taking more of them with them - creating a morale loss on the enemy side or even potentially an outright victory. Old siege machinery? Try to repair it, get that ballista targetted at the enemy, even knowing that your character will be the only one out there doing it as a form of self-sacrifice.

I’m not against it however if its made clear in advance or during the session and its obviously intended by the DM, but I’m also a player who generally prefers being put on the linear trail of the railroad than being put in a sandbox because I struggle to enjoy the “here’s a world, do what you want to do” type of style and the same goes as a DM where I tend a lot more towards “Linear, but with branches” than I do “Sandbox”.


Grabbing the extra dice

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Tauren are AWESOME though >:(


vixi about to catch these hands for real