Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

i love them too. their so sweet. this ones a favourite of mine.


And in this lecture I aim to educate and inform on the nature of the essential manifestation of the emanations of sentience within the Empyrean realm, reflective of that which defines the being of the self and its expression within reality…

magnus did nothing wrong-ism and its consequences…


magnus the pious did nothing wrong, it’s true :saluting_face:


When bleed jump attacks give you a funky face pattern.

This is somebody else’s blood.


sounds like a warhammer thing so he did everything wrong

He’s a fantasy guy, probably the second most venerated name in the empire except for their god sigmar

(and unlike 40k a lot of people in the empire are actually decent people)

I am dubious of your claims

Decent in the context of being in the fantasy holy roman empire, anyway

also the origin of “Three things make the Empire great; faith, steel, and gunpowder.

And wizards and steam tanks.

The Empire (and Tilea, I suppose) is probably the most (actually) progressive faction in the setting, ie they’re actively progressing as a society and developing cool new concepts such as ‘citizens rights’

The humble state trooper, thus, fights for a greater cause than any 40k Imperiumhead ever will :saluting_face:

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myrmidia will remember this

also, lmao forums

Too many different city-states with different ways of going about things to make a uniform statement about! (I conveniently leave out the SORDID Middenlanders from my blanket statements about the Empire)


Or maybe we just grew up.

I’d let him kiss me and then teach me 40k.

Time makes enemies of us all - including our own memories.

I wouldn’t, I’m not into kissing men.

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I’ve had girls try to teach me about Warhammer. I didn’t like that either.

tough luck. sit down and read the core rulebook’s lore section.

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