Petition to get rid of bots and hackers in SoD!

Difference is that this is made up fictional world + there are OBVIOS owners to it who can change what EVER they like almost instantly.

A literal GOD in WoW that can do anything! Thats the freaking difference sir

again… 0 value in your post. Do you have something valuable to add? Any idea how YOU would try to fix this problem? If NO… why do you even post here?

And guess what ? That “literal GOD” won’t do anything, because he profits from all of this situation.

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amen brother

500 bots for Blizz = $7.5k monthly subs. They ban in waves to allow bot owners to profit from botting, thus paying for new subs when old ones are banned. That makes everyone happy. Gold buyers pay for gold, bot owners and blizz get their profit.
If bots would be banned too quickly, bot owners would stop paying for new subs and blizz would lose a lot of subs.

I’m very cynical of this issue never getting fixed. Banwaves are just farts in the wind. Can’t smell s**t.

So you are saying that imposible to eliminate them. They are powerful and we need to accept and pay our subs ?

If the service is that poor and out of control like private server why blizzard is asking sub?

Blizzard ban bots between 15 and 45 days. This is direct info from bot users. Like if you spend 10minutes on internet you can find discord channels etc. If blizzard do this of course they will earn so much money in 1 month, more than cost of one account.

Also for blizzard bots and I are the same. One slme who pay subs we also know this.

No it doesnt, they buy gametime really cheap, so this is a lie.

What makes you say that? C’mon it’s only been 20 years, have some optimism there, will ya?

how could they possibly indentify the botters? they are completely undetectable by the human eye it is totally understandable why blizzard hasn’t been able to stop them at all, and no the hundreds of players with gibberish names doing the same activity 24/7 are not botters

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not to mention the level boosts, thats like 30K more, also the goober eater saying that they can get ingame time cheaper as if that does not make the job easier for them and ripping blizzard off more lmao

been playing on horde side lately and oh boy are there a lot of hunter bots in barrens and thousand needles. where else can you find horde bots? we all know about sfk shananigans and mage flyhack boosters.

As long as there is a demand and people are willing to pay for it, it will never go away. Don’t underestimate the power these multi million bot companies have.

you mean blizzard? lul. the day when the connection between blizzard and these botting companies is revealed is gonna be HUGE. tinhats on! it´s coming!

seems blizzard says that too

i disagree, tho.

@Lurkykiller: Important correction: MVPs do not work for Blizzard as employees. That post is my personal view on the matter as your fellow player.

fair enough - i dont know these thing, i havnt been on the forums much before a week or so ago.
how did u get green font & what is it?


One of my green colleagues wrote on this some time ago:

For me personally… The old forums are gone to the winds of the past, but I got my green colour during the Original Connected Realms programme many years ago. On a very basic level, I tried to help people in questions relating to populations, activity of factions and realms and made some suggestions and educated guesses on what Blizzard could and perhaps should do. Eventually, someone (I do not know who, probably more than one person) recommended me and Blizzard contacted me asking whether I would be interested in joining the MVP programme.

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nice - so its basically blizzard utilizing players to help smooth the gaming experience. its a great idea, and useful to players and devs alike.
kinda reminds me of a bounty-program i recently saw smthn abt … :wink:

There’re some items and mats with no AH deposit like enchanting mats and that’s how some AH bots abuse the market by canceling and undercuting again.