Phase 2 already wtf

Only with this kind of information I realize I shouldn’t change my class from druid to paladin. Stealth was always my best friend, I never got troubles with corpse camping and GY farming.

I guess I’ll have to face this new threat with honour and courage!

runs behind a tree and bubble-hearths away


It wasn’t hard to figure out at all, exactly because it was the first thing you said.

Again, sounds like a you-problem.


People who have no life and rush content are the minority and people are boring and slow are no concern to anyone.
People like me, not rushing content but not a slow boob are the majority.
Timeing the schedule to us is the best option.


Yeah man keep telling yourself you’re not slow :wink:

I have a life and play other mmos
I think being lvl 45 just questing alone and doing dungeons is fine.

Seems like you’re just slow :wink:

In some ways, yeah, but compared to people who have been able to take weeks off or have no job and have been able to exploit the layering system to level a lot faster the regular players will just get camped at the flight paths now because streamers and people who rushed it are complaining about no content.

Right now a lot of players do not participate in PvP because without honour and counters it’s just does not make any sense. With PvP systems in place a lot more people will farm honour. And easiest way to farm honour is to gank lowbies non-stop.

So you’re risking to enter a hell and never reach your destination. That’s my main fear anyway. Some PvP is fine, but getting killed without a chance to retaliate over and over again with 0 quest progress is just not very fun. The only way to level will be to find some quiet spot and farm mobs there or to run instances 100% of the time.

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sniffs you’ll be fresh honor points when P2 arrives

Was just about to write this. :+1:

Those realms have like next to no population, are you kidding mate? You must be kidding.

there is also their own faction to protect them

Are you really saying: don’t tailor to players a, b, c but tailor only to me?
Entitled much?


as a warlock i need Dire Maul to do my epic mount quest which is in phase 2.
kinda want that to happen so i don’t have to splurge money on a regular epic mount in the mean time.

also isn’t dungeon sets introduced in phase 2 making it easier to gather pre-raid gear?

kidding you with what?
Fact 1: 6 EU realms are down to no layering
Source: Realm Layering Update – English

Fact 2: Blizzard said the plan is Phase 2 by the end of the year

0 population realms, none of them were using layers anyway. I know this because I’m on one of them. Pcgamer isn’t blizzard. It’s a prospective report not an official announcement in blue. Nuff said.

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And then, people who are 50 by the time P2 would be released, will start crying that they will have a hard time leveling from 50-60.

Next thing you know, people with alts will start crying that they cannot level their alts due to Honor system being added.

This is a stupid thing, really. Stop being so “entitled”. There will always be someone who is playing longer then you. He has the same rights as you to ask for content.

An “inbetween” resolution must be find and Blizzard should never listen for X type of players to release or to hold on content.

On a side note : “I’m lvl 20, Blizz plz don’t release P2” , is worst then “I’m lvl 60, Blizz plz release P2”

You are not casual, most of the casual players with job and 2 kids already cleared MC and Ony, you are worst than casual, players like you killed wow!


Hahahaha… i hope this is a troll post. And yes p2 by end of the year or in january is ok for most of the playerbase imo…

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People who take the sniffing the flowers on their way to 60 approach on a PvP server knowing full well P2 is coming have no one else to blame but themselves imo.

It’s not like it’s gonna be a buffet for the horde or alliance to feast on lvl 48s either, the opposite faction have just as much incentive to be there to farm other 48s and the gankers.