Phase 2 already wtf

It is direct quotes from the Game Director for Classic WoW that was said during an official interview. I don’t think you can get much more official than that! (Unless you are a troll, obviously… but you are not one, are you? :P)

Apparently Blizzard didn’t say anything unless they said it here.

I’m not a troll no. It’s only official if it’s announced here right on blizzard’s own platform.

Explained this mate, I’m the majority in that I’m not lvl 60 but I’m not super low.
Blizz should time the phases for players like me, not to fast and not to slow.
Obvious if you read.

So … Don’t schedule it after nolifers, or casuals, but for people who play in your exact range?

??? I am 13-28 on all classes, guess i dont matter in the schedule then

Next phase is not all that special, content wise. Does not really mater to me if they released it today or next month.

As long as we get some time to catch up before opening new raid stuff.

It doesn’t matter on PVE realms… where people will flag themselves when,where and if they wamt to… on PVP realms for levels 48-60 will be massacre when honour system starts… and it will cause majority of casual players to quit if they introduce honour system before most of them are lvl 60… I m on a PVE realm so really dont care, just stating the problem people will have

Why would people roll on a PvP server if they don’t want PvP?


Blizzard shouldnt cater for people with no jobs who play 24/7 they will never be happy.

I said that they should find a way in…between of those with “24/7” and those with “02/7” .

Stop reading between lines…

Oh sorry! couldn’t be bothered reading your essay tbh

Phase 2 with any of the three bg would be good. Phase 3 could be delayed until december.
Aq40 in february 2020
Naxx in april or may2020

This would be absolutely lightning fast. Game would be over within a year

Yes probably would be too fast, but i think phase 3 should be released a bit earlier because thats when the content would be vast as everyone would have many things to do when it comes to farming.

Like completing sets, new items from profession and honor ranking through bgs, i mean at least have one bg out like WSG OR AB, because at this moment it feels like the game is being artificially timegated in a way that is incompatible for example:

You have honor system out but no BGs.

You have tier 2 sets out but cant complete it because its locked out behind different phases.

Then shut up and stop crying…

You can’t cater to people that aren’t level 60 after 3-4 months… lmao.

You roll on a PvP realm and you moan about a PvP feature being added.
Why roll on a PvP realm? lol.

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Why are so many people so worried about this? Lol. Phase 2 is basically honor system, dire maul and world bosses, right? Seriously.
And they didn’t even provide a date. They just said in 2019.

OP is like “don’t cater to fast people. Don’t cater to slow ones either. Cater only to me!”

Players like me…
Not rushing content, but also not super slow noobs.
How was that not blatant, so many fools making this mistakes.

I don’t see what the issue is, Dire Maul is a dungeon with multiple wings that players can explore through. Both Max and lower levels.

Next to that there is the Honor System and the World Bosses, none of which really change anything in the scope of things. Keep in mind that P2 is at it’s earliest still two and a half months away, should be enough time for anyone to level to 60.

But you are a slow noob.

If you aren’t leveling 15 times in the next 1-2 months… what are you even doing?

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