Place Russians on own servers vs own russian servers

They consistently break premade BG rules. We’ve been stuck with their plight long enough on EU servers… Please put them against their own servers I couldn’t care less if they have to wait 6+ hours to enter a BG unless you enforce the rules on them it’s just pathetic.
We’ve been asking for them to be kept away from EU servers in retail since you made the change!
See a player who ever raised that fact they can’t solo queue. Fix the Russian battlegrounds already


What do you mean?

I guess he means they don’t follow instructions.

I mean, he can just always refuse to invite anyone who seems bad at English

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Ouch, I smell a n_azi here.

Blizz then should put Germans in their own servers, Scots in their own servers and so, cuz why not?
For example Germans are famous premaders too and what?

I hate facing Russians only when I use elvui and a terrible font which doesn’t have Cyrillic symbols and I see only ??? instead of the names.


Usually these nationalities come mostly in their premades with their friends but somehow forum warriors have on focus target only the russians :upside_down_face:


At least they put Americans on their own server.

The world’s most toxic nation online

EDIT: That Cyrillic in likes, though


Blizz plz put all Gnomes in their own servers, I don’t care if they have to wait 6+ hours to enter a BG. We’ve been asking for them to be kept away from ALL servers since 2005. Every time I see those green-haired midgets… it’s just… pathetic.


On retail they got violet hair! Which is extremely weird and offensive to my taste of beauty

But NA is not only Americans :slight_smile:
I’ve heard some stories about the most toxic nationalities online but I’m not gonna that down cuz I care about people, not nationalities.
Ave Globalism lmao

lol that one troll/wrong comment really derailed this conversation.

He’s probably talking about how the battlegroups are set up and how russians are able to premade in AV.

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“I play Horde, have to wait in 2 hour queues and then I occasionally enter and LOSE to a Russian team”

I bet you don’t complain when you enter WSG and face a team of 6 russian players since no more are queued.


I dont neccecarily agree that they should be segregated.
But some fixes I would like made.

  1. No cyrillic, if you are to be connected to europe; and play with /against other europeans; the names of charcters and pets should be limited to only use the standard english latin alphabet.
    In the same sense, no greek alphabet ,no øæå, german doubble S ect ect.

You wish to communicate internationally; you use the world language.
It doesnt matter where you are from or who you are, you keep your particular unga bunga to yourselves.

Latency is an issue. You queue into russians and see them teleporting across the map rather than running.
Manageable (ish) as a ranged, but for melee on the other hand I can only assume it is pure cancer.
Ez fix; If players cannot maintain a ping of <300 to central european servers they should be automatically dissconnected upon trying to join a bg.

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Their is actually a 6H+ Alterac with Russians ally holding start GY making 600hks+

It would be more fair to have them join the other european players instead of being able to queue seperatly. After all Bliz broke the premade meta of alliance. There are some Russians that play on other servers too btw, we have a russian guild on horde side, they speak english in general channels but russian in raid- and guildchat.

we already have german,french and spain at our team who dont speak english
so its strange russia is not in same

haha big true they are hella toxic I must admin and way more spergy

Ye I dont know on first place why we have russians in EU realms… its like you connect NA realms with EU, also their weird names everytime bug my interface.

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First, I dont know what you guys are talking about EU Alliance has an ability to premade AV as well if you dont know how then it’s your problem. Second, latency isnt a problem unless you have a garbage internet and it’s 2021 so if you have one got a new one that’s just a shame. Third, If you getting hold hostage by Russians AV premade go play some WSG or AB those are nice bgs too. Stop crying here you just look weak.


What rules are that?

Personally I would prefer getting rid of the French in my BGs, they tend to be either incredibly bad at the game or afk, and many of them refuse to communicate in a language most people understand.

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