Planning Free Character Transfers for Season of Mastery Realms

Funny to see only Ally dont want Ironfoe → Dread. You should try a little reroll horde for check if “Ironfoe is nice”


Ironfoe or kthxbye

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Good morning. Similar to several posts above, I believe this route is not the right move. I run a guild on the alliance side of Ironfoe and the server is in a reasonable state, but could definitely do with a “relief valve” as previously offered.

I do not believe making Dreadnaught the only functional server on SOM will be good for the playerbase. The majority of people who rolled on Ironfoe or Bonescythe chose to do so whilst fully knowing Dreadnaught was the bigger server. We chose to roll on a lower pop server for several reasons. We do not want to be on a mega server like Dreadnaught. Ironfoe is easily able to build from its current situation.

Please open transfers as follows:
Bonescythe → Ironfoe
Dreadnaught → Ironfoe

We have already been in discussion with guilds on Bonescythe and aware of many people unhappy with Dreadnaught that this would allow the opportunity for still one “mega server” and then one more reasonably populated.

We like our community on Ironfoe. We like the guilds we play with. We chose to play here. Please don’t force us to go to Dreadnaught.


At option :
Bonescythe Kingsfall Normal
Ironfoe Kingsfall Normal


But why would you even want to make dead servers more dead and huge server even bigger?! People rolled on smaller server with intentions of keeping it chill and casual there. Casual people would not have the time to farm overfarmed spots or to grind 700k + honor every week. BS and IF are almost dead, you should just merge those 2, instead of sending us all to DN. Give DN players chance to transfer too. I am sure a lot of ppl there, are tired of the toxicity and all of the other downsides of the big servers… Pushing people to DN is actually a forced option, which in some cases, is ever worst than no option at all.

Another logical solution would be:

BS —> IF
DN ----> IF


This is true, bit if you play on QS, it is not nice and casual, it is just dead. I play KS Horde, overall a very nice community, but pretty snall. We won’t mind the few dozend players who might join from QS Horde.

apparently you talk without knowing a lot. I play on DN and it is becoming way more empty than it used to be. Why? Because most of the guilds running mc or bwl are gdkps. If they are not gdkps the requirements to enter a good raid is having really good gear. If you are a rogue forexample like me you have so much competetition so having only pre bis is no longer good enough. Dont say dreadnaught is a mega server when there is less and less by the day. I welcome all here, and if you need my help on there w/ me ill gladly help you if anyone tries to grief you.

Pointless reply. You’re a rogue on SOM complaining about having raid spots. Consider a class that’s not so incredibly overpopulated and you’ll have a better time. Your issue is not with the server.

Seems like you’re just salty you cannot get a raid spot and this has nothing to do with the situation on Ironfoe at all.

Dreadnaught → Ironfoe
Bonescythe → Ironfoe


Most people coming from bone and iron are going to be rogues and dps warriors, do you rly want more competiton?

Seems ally like to be the only faction on a pvp serv on Ironfoe because they don’t see the problem on Horde side Ironfoe :joy:


Why do you assume we dont want more horde on ironfoe? Imo best servers to play on are 50/50 or at least 60/40. Instead of trying to bail and go to dreadnought why dont you urge more horde to switch to ironfoe and we can make it into a great realm where both factions can prosper

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I don’t think transfers to Ironfoe from Dreadnaught would bring enough players to make it a healthy population again. Trying to get people for dungeons daytime on Ironfoe is horrible right now, and the server is getting emptier every week.

There are enough people to have several raiding guilds, but outside of raiding there’s barely anything going on.

My 2 cents.

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Because Horde is totally dead, i’m in the only guild who kill 10/10 on Horde Ironfoe and we struggle for doing a second day raid BWL because we can’t recruit anything, only 2 other guild can raid on our serv and they need to spam 24/24 for PUG and… they dont’ find and can’t recruit too. We are 4 guyz between AH and Bank at 19:00 at Orgrimmar.

Do you think the 10 horde transfer from bonescyte and 0 from DN ( they are not crazy ) gonna save Ironfoe ? No, you didnt but on ally side you’r pretty ok so you wanna keep it like this, i can understand this, but horde horde it’s needed.

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Sorry but genuinely believing only 10 players would transfer from both those realms is funny. People also want to leave Dreadnaught. What you’re forgetting is if transfers open from:
Dreadnaught → Ironfoe
Bonescythe → Ironfoe
Then if it all goes wrong, everyone can just go to Dreadnaught 2 months later. If the current proposed transfer plans from Blizzard go live, there’s no turning back and it will be done. There will be one realm only. No option to migrate if there’s queues or you don’t like it.
Not to mention letting ironfoe players go to dreadnaught with rank 14 gear is so dispresectful this early on too as dreadnaught players have said. On Horde side this case is even more prude.
Dreadnaught → Ironfoe
Bonescythe → Ironfoe
Should be done and reviewed in 2 months after.


10 horde will transfer? Dude there is a horde guild on bone who raids MC, thats 40 ppl right there
Add some horde from DN, and some stragllers and you can have 3 raiding guilds easy, what more do you need?

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I’m totally agree if transfer done last 1-2 month, i’m agree for you transfer to Ironfoe, but now for horde it’s already too late and dead, really do a character horde and speak to the people. All already left or gonna leave if not transfer in this week or two.

Honestly i dont even know why we are arguing here, these transfers are open mostly for botters to move stuff they farmed on bone and iron to dread where they can sell it, blizz doesnt give a f about actual players and will prove this by totaly ignoring what we all said here by kEeping the transfers as they said


What more do we want outside of raiding? Let me see… an active world? Being able to do 5-mans without spamming for an hour for a tank with 4 other groups looking for the exact same thing? World pvp?

If all you want to do is raid, then I understand that you don’t care about the server population dropping fast.