Planning Free Character Transfers for Season of Mastery Realms

I am currently in a raiding guild on Bonescythe and we’ve been discussing the possible merge to Dreadnaught and asked how many players would be interested in switching ‘’ if ‘’ this idea actually goes through.

Majority of the people are feeling like fuel to the fire, they have clearly seen the content which is being posted around on Twitch and YouTube.

We have a lot of people who are currently feeling down about the population of our current server, but creating a MEGA realm would completely destroy guilds & communities which have been built from scraps.

We are the only guild on our faction that has cleared Molten Core and Onyxia, we’re looking forward to stay during the entirety of Season of Mastery but joining Dreadnaught I know that at least 90% of my guild would quit.

I would absolutely advice to give the option to transfer from Bonescythe to Ironfoe, Ironfoe would be a great hub for the lost servers which are dying out more every single day.

Please no Dreadnaught, but Yes to Ironfoe merge.


Bonescythe > Ironfoe
Ironfoe > Stays Ironfoe
Dreadnaught > Stays Dreadnaught or Ironfoe


Bonescythe > Dreadnaught
Ironfoe > Dreadnaught

Is the only solution that will work 100%


Russian server is dead. Every day is like our last. We need character transfer.
Bloodcaller → Dreadnaught


RU server is dead. There are no people to play with!
Please add transfer from RU-Bloodcaller.
RU-Bloodcaller → Dreadnaught


Blizzard should put all PVP EU SOM Servers together to one (dont matter how it is called) and enable Faction Transfer from Ally → Horde to compensate the Horde deficit?


the only better solution would be based on population data, which we will not get. so the whole discussion is moot in my view

Yes, good point.
I see following possibilites:

  1. make it one PvP Server with the possibility to change your faction
  2. Transfers DN->IF /BC->IF HORDE ONLY or faction change to IF on Horde
  3. Only transfer BC->IF allowing factionchange + factionchange on IF

Well theres no top guild on Ironfoe, theres us that preclear and eventually you guys but you tend to cry out on WCL discord and make a fool of yourself in public and in general drama queens people laugh at so yeah IF is full of casual guilds

But that’s not what the forum post above is about. If DbP leaves? It’s not like they will be the only ones leaving. If they open it up for xfer to DN then most likely all of us will have to go. But the information that Sky is commenting on has nothing to do with if they leave, it’s about the information given about why Ironfoe is considered dead from people’s statements and then on top they giving false information about it.

You are refering to a situation where the transfers open up as posted above by Blizzard, while the post is about the benefits of the transfer from DN->IF instead of the other way around. So keep your replies to yourself considering the fact that you didn’t get the memo.

Bonescythe and Ironfoe are dead. Can’t hardly find a group for a dungeon or groupquest and AH is a graveyard.

Bonescythe > Dreadnaught
Ironfoe > Dreadnaught

Not required to pretend you play both realms when you do not, and then proceed to make multiple posts saying the same thing, which is also not correct. Ironfoe can easily recover.

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RU-Bloodcall to EU-Dreadnaught !!! OPENT IT i WILL PAY.


why waiting only a month, wait five months until SoM is almost over and everybody stopped playing? IF Horde is completely dead. Bonescythe both Factions completely dead. Can’t wait to transfer to DN.

SoM isn’t over in 5 months, posting silly things which aren’t true doesn’t make them true. Horde is already been descirbed as an issue, hence people are asking for transfers at the very least to be open both ways, that way you can decide. Giving people no option other than Dreadnaught is the type of thing which will make people quit and communities break. The benefit and negatives for both realms have been stated already, but an option to pick your destination realm and also transfer off Dreadnaught to Ironfoe is something that seriously needs to be considered.

First good solution for everyone you propose :smiley: I’m agree with you they can put transfer to the 2 direction, so all can do what ever they want and you have a chance for keep you’r little paradise on ally side on IF. But forget Horde IF, it’s over since 1 month.

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You guys want to know how dead BS is? Today Kazzak and Azu were standing. Both sides needed more than 3 hours to get a group going and kill Kazzak. Horde did it with 17ish people or so. WB are literally free loot on this server.

Merging both dead servers will probably end in another dead server after AQ opened when most classic servers naturally die. Best you can do is create one big megaserver.

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People should have a choice. Also, World bosses aren’t really a reflection on how active a server is, 99% of people don’t care for them or attend. While I’m not sure what the complete situation on BS is, what I do know is guilds from that realm do want to join Ironfoe, and should have the option to do so if they wish.
Alliance on Ironfoe is also going quite strong as is, and having extra guilds would just be a bonus rather than a necessity. The only issue is on Horde side.

The “best” you can do is far from forcing realms into an early death and making people transfer to DN to even play the game.

Also, even if they did before Naxx, just allow transfers then? Not difficult.

Dreadnaught → Ironfoe
Bonescythe → Ironfoe

Not everyone wants a megaserver with layers and gankfiesta.

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Transfer is up in the ingame shop, but still cant choose Kingsfall

Here is the guide