Player feedback about player housing

As I have stated earlier, they are just dipping their toe into it right now. I am quite confident they will expand themes later on, once they have seen people’s actual reactions in game and tweaked whatever bugs arise.

I truly hope you are right… But I worry blizzard will make this a one time shooting star thing… And leave it behind.

Honestly they should just use Palias system:

Have a private house, or one open to specific people or the public, your choice.

Have different things accessible to different people who you do allow to visit.

Craft rooms, and furniture from drops and recipes.

Go purely decorative or add crafting stations, your choice.

Each Palia character can have multiple plots with different purposes and permissions.

With this framework everyone can have what they want.

To make it more “wow” allow designs that are based on different wow locations and races as part of what you build on your plot.

Add an entry point from each major city to the plots, and let the player choose the city their plot is accessible from.

I want them to create something that will last longer than one expansion. Yes, we built our garrisons and we built our farms and they were great for their expansions, but there’s been no reason to go back since as they’re in the wrong place for the current game.


I really hope this isn’t some shooting star thing… One time expansion thing. The backlash would be severe.

I mean they say it’s gonna be an evergreen feature that will be with us and evolve

Give housing for the entire warband. Like a mention. You could meet your other characters. And I really hope they don’t do something lame like you can only have orc and human esthetics… I want to create Draenei spaceships and undead dungeons.

All characters in your warband can use the same house. Having them placed in the house is a cool idea.

I am… not so up to date on what ‘‘Evergreen’’ Means… What does it means in a housing sense?

The way they use that term is that it’s a feature that is not bound by an expansion.

That should mean they want housing to be a part of the game that gets worked on for the rest of the games existence.

“Long-Lasting Journey: Housing is being built as an evergreen addition to the game, with its own roadmap, reaching across multiple patches and into future expansions. Housing isn’t something players should expect to “finish”, but instead continually look forward to the next housing release, be it new content or systems. This is a long-term commitment for us as developers and offers players rewards all along the way.”

That’s what is writin in the official article from blizz

That is… more of an mouithful than I could ever dream of blizzard saying. You really think they would hold their word to such a commitment such as this?

I think they know what to expect from us. We’ll complain about things that are not there that according to our opinion should be there. We’ll gripe about the lack of certain aesthetics. Some will claim it’s one big failure. Others will share pics of nifty things they have done. All in all I’m guessing they know they should expand on it and work on that. With Midnight we’ll hopefully get elven aesthetics which would sate a large part of the playerbase.

I doubt they’ll abandon it, unless it’s genuinely terrible lol.

You mean just like they did expand the garrison and how they added lots of new customization to it…

I believe it when i see it.

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A healthy attitude to have towards anything they say really.

They better do.

I think if they go back on there word here that would be a major blow for there image.

And let’s be honest to hold there word they basically just need to supply us with new furniture and building styles

I seem to also have a recollection that garrisons were meant to be something tangible and something they were going to expand on aka evergreen, but got abandoned along with the rest of the WoD expansion.

Still, as disappointing as it is that we are only getting human and orc, I think we should reserve judgement till it launches. I think the dev’s know by now it is going to have to be extraordinary or they will suffer a massive backlash.

This is a given and will happen with any content and or launch of expansions and patches. We already seeing it with DRIVE around the corner. It all remains subjective.

I hope there will be a private option where you can just chill out isolated from the world, and also lots of decorations and styles for each playable race (at least the core ones).

Also, I hope that objects like beds will be fully functional because right now the ones you find in the inns are just random clutter objects that you can’t interact with. I know you can lay down on it anyway, but it looks rather weird and not properly done. A dedicated animation would be nice.


No no no. DRIVE is definitely horrible (in the context of WoW - if it was a seperate game I wouldn’t have any problems with it). :kissing_heart:


Nah Drive looks super fun I’m.pretty hyped for it

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The proof is in the pudding. My thoughts on delves changed from positive to negative as I experienced them. I am open to the fact I may not hate DRIVE, unless it makes me feel horribly sick.