Stealing this from the US forums, it looks like a lot but it’s well worth the read.
The original post was made here:
Stealing this from the US forums, it looks like a lot but it’s well worth the read.
The original post was made here:
I honestly don’t understand Blizzard’s reluctance to give us player house. I would love totally instanced, non land grab, customisable player housing that would be totally optional and offer no power gain.
They could add items through old content and new content, crafted, etc etc for our housing. We could display stuff etc.
Garrisons were a terrible version of player housing. It was just a base.
They should look to the SWTOR model, instanced personal and guild housing, 100s if not 1000s of decoration hooks in each, decorations drop from virtually all content both old and current.
The problem is it would have to be instanced like the garrisons and the system mentioned in Rift(which is fairly dead despite this “game saving” feature), if things are not permenant in the world for all passers by to see like in Ultima Online, it rather loses the show off appeal of the feature.
One of the things levelled against Garrisons would also apply here, as many players were often in private instances, it gave the impression of a dead game in the cities and regular gathering areas and was a hindrance to social interaction.
Its a nice feature, I liked the garrisons, but I dont think its going to revitalise the game really.
Because we already are isolating us from the world by playing a game… we don’t need to isolate from the game as well.
What could happen is: people will close inside their houses, exiting only for dungeons or quick content. Oribos… deserted. Covenant hub… hay balls rolling…
Isolation in isolation… why don’t we make our char playing a videogame inside their houses as well?
Obviously non-land grab! Have you seen the competition for houses in Aion? The fact that I actually managed to get a house for fairly cheap I think was lucky. Then again, I did do the last bid before bidding closed. That’s how me and my sis both got houses at the same time.
I fundamentally agree with pretty much all of the post. It’s a good post to bring to attention, so thanks OP, and it makes many good points.
A housing system would serve as a long-running gold/attention/time/effort/expression sink that wow sorely needs. What wow has of those atm are very transient. They’re not pervasive. Gold sinks are “this mount” or “those consumables” but they always dry up, and then what? Same can be said for mog and expressing yourself.
But with a housing system, there’s potential for far too much variation to run dry. You can reorganise the contents, get new contents, try out a new structure, give it a makeover, go with a theme, try and recreate a particular NPCs room etc etc. it just lends so much more to expression than stuff like mogs or mounts do (mounts are a horrendous way to express yourself as the Post itself says, you show off one at a time and the expressiveness of your collection is thus watered down).
I mean jeez housing could even HELP with this. SImple. You give houses some land-property (some only, not all, depending on locale) and this is where some of your mounts can roam, and be available to be seen like a menargerie of sorts. You could even make it the theme of your house - more akin to a zoo or whatever you like, because what you put in it is up to you! You go for traditional stuff like furniture? Or maybe you want it to be a bare space more like a barn for your mounts? You get to decide that.
And this wouldn’t age, because player expression where you give them a sandbox doesn’t age. This is why even in a content drought, you can log onto AD and see people RPing every-single-day in the primary RP hubs. These are people whom have been given a sandbox and with it they make the content because it’s their passion.
In terms of general players though, mogs and mounts/pets aren’t enough. Customisation was a good start, but much maligned when it became clear there was no “round two” and that was it, which was dumb of blizzard because the reaction to what stuff they did add was good.
This should have told them, they need to stop dismissing how many players of wow are into stuff like customisations or “ways to express themselves” which outside of that are meaningless.
Mogs since BFA have been more limited, ie generally 1-3 or so appearences of an armour type per patch. When you look at expos like MoP and the sheer amount of appearances available across the expo it’s crazy how small it’s become. In MoP each armour class had 3-4 different appearances before you’d even set foot in a raid or considered pvp. When you add those in, you’d be looking at closer (if not over) 10 for each armour class with several separations for specific classes too.
In SL we have: one generic set, one “dungeon/max craft/max pvp” set and then covenant set and raid set. That’s it. 4. Not class specific variation either. It’s not enough.
I can’t really say I find any meaning from someone afking in Oribos waiting for a dungeon queue. How is that better than someone updating their player housing or being out doing quests while they queue. I’ve never understood this excuse.
Games that have player housing are not deserted. People still use their capital hubs because there is reason to go to them.
As long as they don’t sacrifice a raid tier to do that I don’t mind.
And make that 100% optional and the house price like 4 millions of gold.
Agree. If by “it will kill social interaction” you mean it will stop people essentially ignoring eachother in Oribos as they ride through eachother, stopping only to catch a longboi (but not initiating a conversation with the owner) then what exactly is lost?
The idea that the casual bands of players in wow are nattering in org chinking mugs or doing so in Oribos is fantasy. It’s only done by people whom know eachother in the sense of a guild or whatnot, and for those players that’s their hook, so instanced housing would do precisely nothing to stop them interacting.
Fact is players who don’t have a hook (guild/comm/group) to communicate in WoW rarely if ever do at current. It’s just how it is. When I visit Org to pick up my riding ranks, I see loads of players doing exactly what they do in Oribos, they’re running about not paying any attention to each other outside of the RP hubs.
On the contrary, housing gives a reason to invite other players to socialise by showing them your space and your “territory” as it were. It will be cool to let them explore it and see what they think, and there’s no contrived purpose to the interaction (such as for a group or a raid etc) but rather it’s entirely social (about engagement with each other for no other reason) so in that way, it’s purer.
I hope they implement a very basic version of housing just to shut you guys up.
This is nonsense. ff14 and eso has housing and the cities have plenty people in them.
Player housing would be so good , i want to live in boralus
But it should cost lot of golds , not free pls blizzard
Where the garrison failed was adding functionality that would normally be found in a major hub area. Lead players to lock themselves in and not interact.
Housing should not include any features that are not customization. No QoL, no player power, just a space you can work on, improve, customize and share.
In RIFT you could set your home to be open to anyone to visit, or friends or just keep it to yourself. Some people loved showing off what they’d made, and considering how basic the tools were at the time, some of it was quite impressive. It can be social and it can be a nice way to share ideas of what to do in your space.
I rarely go to Orgrimmar as I have a long boi. I rarely spend any time in Oribos either, I pass through more than anything. If I do have to afk while I’m in Oribos I tend to sit on my long boi so others can access the AH. I do use my covenant sanctum as my hearthstone hub but I rarely notice people around me. I go pick up my calling, sort the mission table etc and I’m off and gone into the open world.
Most of my social interactions are via discord, talking to friends/guildies etc and ofc while I’m flying or queuing I’m on here
However cities are still relevant, you need them to pick up quest, visit the vault, access a barber, access void storage, visit a trainer, use the AH even if it’s someone else’s long boi etc.
Oribos has a AH whats point haveing AH mount ?
Oribos only has an AH if you are an engineer, as does every expansion capital (as an engineer).
I think a lot of players (I know it applies to me at least) experience Oribos and the sanctums in this way. Just a pit stop while heading elsewhere.