and RP tea partys just like they have in Venthyr .
Right, but they’re not going away. LFD and LFR is here to stay.
So if social matters are the only thing holding back player housing then it’s not really a concern after all.
It’s like worrying about your taxi to the airport being late when your plane took off 2 hours ago.
It would be so easy to avoid the issues with garrisons. Not that I spent a huge amount of time in them myself unless I was actually doing things for my garrison. However don’t give it access to trade (not so much of an issue these days), don’t give it an AH etc.
No matter what happens in WoW someone will ALWAYS complain. I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to not have a feature
add player housing to wow i will build a casino in stormwind
Blizzard can do what they want, if they sacrifice a raid tier for player housing they will have a lot of flame and them.
Then boosting needs to be fixed first. Aswell as botting.
Just sounds like you are a social roach tbh.
A goal thats to singleplayer oriented. This is a MMO, however bastardised it may be. We should move towards making it more social - not less.
I would love player housing
it would be realy cool if it could work like that, but in wow I do not think that ever would work, first of all wow is layer based now, what would meen you can not se all hosues anyways, plus the ammount of building slots this would recuire in game would make it to laggy and a lot of grief if someone else got a spot a person wanted.
instanced would be the only way to do it so it works, though whit the option where you can choose to show your house off, so people can visit it, Wildstar had this and it worked relay well, people could come and visit your creations, even do mini events you could put up, even though it was quite limited in a way also it was still way better than the garrisons.
Considering the entire rest of my post you quoted discusses the social possibilities this could create, I see now that your problem with it is you wouldn’t be interested in it, therefore people wouldn’t socialize with you about it, therefore it is unnecessary content… sound about right?
Via communities, which work best via Discord (in-game communities are … Just lol), content creators via YouTube or Twitch, websites like Wowhead / pettopia…
In the end the social part actually goes mostly around the game, it doesn’t really happen inside it. And that is not a path I’d like to promote.
Sure, housing can coexist and doesn’t have to negatively impact other parts. But we all know how it works.
To implement player housing with all the possibilities around it in professions, old content, bladiebla would prob take an entire content-patch in dev-time to just roll out the base of it.
It won’t magicaly fix the profession/econemy balance. I mean…the ones who are rich will get richer and dominate more while the rest will struggle to get those fancy items.
It has so many hooks, I am scared to see what they’d sacrifice if they ever make this a thing.
And as the other games show, it’s actually not saving anything…so why make it sound like it will save WoW?
This topic, well the US topic, is just an idea/argument from someone who doesn’t like to do any available content. No more, no less. Well…then try something else?
Player housing is the dumbest feature suggestion ever.
Nobody walks around WoWs cities inspecting houses. People play WoW to fight monsters, other players, collect loot, do quests, etc. Player-made houses would ruin the beautiful city designs created by Blizzard. It would just be annoying to most players.
The implementation effort for non-instanced housing would be monumental. Why should Blizz invest 100 developer years in a feature that a few players would find fun for a few days?
Go play The Sims if you want player housing.
imagon we are the great hero of azeroth , the Maw-walker but we are homeless no place so called as home
This however is likely the reason why they’re reluctant to do it.
I didn’t know someone spoke for me, I need to make a list of people who speak in my independent behalf!
And yet, you got players buying several subs to disguise themselves as tree’s and stuff just to decorate areas in the City that feel too empty.
All in all, there could be player housing, BUT it has to be instanced like Black Desert Online. Where a “random building” is infact your building, just with a different exterior. At least from my personal opinion!
I would hope that they would implement something that players would really be excited about (not me), but I would be very afraid that it would end up in a cash shop fiesta.
Maybe that is fine for people, didn’t dive too much into this topic =)
Mounted combat system ?
why cant we mount up while moveing in Wow movie they was allowed to
they tried their hands on that in woltk with the argent crusade rubbish xD
if you look back I think many of those really bad implemented things might have been tests for these kind of things.
Horse combat (woltk) - mounted combat 1.0
Gryphon combat (cata) mounted combat 2.0
Garrison (wod) housing 1.0
Class halls (legion) housing 2.0
looks so sad xD
Unfortunately, like with many other ideas, Blizzard’s awful development created an abomination then left it to rot. Players wanted housing for a long time > Blizzard implemented it in a terrible way (garrisons) > players disliked Blizzard’s idea of housing > Blizzard completely kills off housing because players apparently don’t like it.