Since the prepatch, the Dragon Isles has default enabled for players below level 70 a form of Chromie Time style phasing that at time of writing, has not been able to be disabled.
This was tested and verified to affect both factions, Valdrakken and Amirdrassil. This is likely due to Dragon Isles now being the default levelling experience for The War Within, however unlike past expansions, the default levelling from 10-X did not cause you to enter a Chromie Time style phase.
Addendum to the bug - party sync doesn’t even let you see the other person. Clearly not working as intended in either state.
This is upsetting, especially with all the RP-esque scenery on the Dragon Isles and Amirdrassil itself.
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Indeed, and with Dalaran story plot, we were hoping to move the Dalaran hub out here temporarily, but Alas. We discovered last night when attempting a performance event, that Low levels cannot see high levels and visa versa, Grouping did not work either. Which also becomes a problem for people wanting to help their friends during leveling and questing.
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My and my friend found this out yesterday while levelling!
He was a couple of bars ahead of me and as soon as he hit 70 the game insta-phased us, so we couldn’t even continue questing together until I dinged 
Its not the end of the world because I can finish that alt another time, but unexpected to say the least!
*edited for spelling lol
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Still an issue at time of writing, hopefully gets hotfixed so I can play with friends while levelling, or as above, RP servers can be exempted for their use in RP like Stormwind and Orgrimmar are given special status, given Bel’ameth is a popular RP destination!
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Are they in the wrong phase?
A friend went to meet up with me earlier but he was in Chromie time so we couldn’t see each other.
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This is essentially the summary of the problem. Chromie Time is forced on for 10-69 players on Dragon Isles with no ability to disable it. You can’t choose to see a max level player even if you want to.
I believe this was an oversight since they never consider roleplay as a gameplay style to begin with… yet this is extremely disheartening. I hope they fix it asap.
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This is a big shame to be honest, not just for roleplayers but the age old tradition of players helping players where you could call a friend or a guildie to come on their max level and help you with content you’re stuck on. It’s a shame that as phasing increases across the game and levellers get separated from the main playerbase the basics of an MMO community are becoming more and more obscured.
Levellers should never be sectioned off from the rest of the community without having a choice in the matter.
I ran into this problem today. My guild often meets up in Valdrakken.
I was organizing a guild meeting to discuss current and upcoming content and stuff, and the roleplayers that weren’t 70 were phased to Chromie Time and could not turn it off.
Really hoping this can get fixed, or stops becoming an issue when the the expansion releases. It will be especially disastrous if the new zones of The War Within will also have this issue…
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Giving this a nudge for visibility. It’s a Problem - I’d like to be able to help friends leveling in the Dragon Isles.
Still happening as of 09/08/2024. Still a critical issue for playing with friends in any circumstances.
Still happening as of 27/08/2024 - we just tested it.
Confirmed still happening. As much as Valdrakken being empty of endgamers is nice, it being empty of RPers is not nice
Bump - issue still happening!
Still happening in Version
Checked after Season 1 launched
Still happening in
Checked and confirmed as per above; still happening. Level 70+ cannot see level 1-69 as of this morning.
Bumping, as still an issue