Resharing - Players who have not paid for the current expacs cannot speak in /s

Does exactly what it says in the title. A recent issue has found that players who haven’t paid for the current expansion can’t speak with players who are over level sixty, and I imagine theere will be a similar issue for The War Within, as well.

Bug or no, this will stifle RP for many and we cannot allow it to go on as a community, so I urge you all to do your due dilligence and reply to this, share it, make your discontent known.


Just for anyone coming into this late, there has been a blue post confirmining about it being a bug, thus non intentionally entered the game :slight_smile:
They’re looking for a fix.

Apreech to call it out though :partying_face: It does do wonders in current era.


This is a bug, please add details to the Technical Support forum to help Blizzard with the investigation:

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