Please add Race Change to Wotlk Classic

Bump and add race change !!


I bet that Blizzard will have way more subs if ppl actually can come back to the game and pay for a race/faction change instead of lvling up a new char to fit the new meta, after 900 alts on retail/classic i think i wont play WOTLK because of this, im mage/priest as main. i dont wanna lvl my 4th priest just to be a human. And in the other hand, after 17 years of playing this game i have the feeling of that Blizzard love making money. Add Race/faction change and u will make tons of money.

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Was i talking about the game or was i talking about highend guilds?
I made a typo and was quite obviously talking about race, but it doesnt actually matter, some races are better than others and the same goes for classes, in the highend you will be expected to minmax both your race and your class along with your professions, reputations and consumables.

We need race change!
Want to keep titles from classic!


Just confirm the addition of race change already… tons of people both in EU forums and US forums want it and most are willing to pay for it. Im in a min-maxer guild but I want to keep my farmed mounts and titles for god sake… (also race change was in Wotlk).

Its a win-win for everyone…


Bumping the thread

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idk about race change but free faction change for super imbalanced servers could be helpful

Keep it original and let us have race change

Could not say it better thank you… #addracechange

Why would you level troll lol, unless you are going to farm pve content only (in that case you should have started troll from start lol).

Bump this thread !!!

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Bump bump, get this implemented blizz!


Announce it already bliz ! there are so many posts on forums asking for it , if you claim to listen to feedback implement it already…

I hope they will let us change names at least if changing sex with barber.

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According to blizzard is not “Gender - Sex” anymore but Body type so i doubt it lol… Race change allows name change too :smiley: Not sure if that was only for retail or classic too though

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Bump this thread boys this needs to go live


was right on PTR now is Body type not Gender anymore

Please add race change like it was back in the days
I see no reason not to…



There’s a levelling buff active right now, get levelling

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