Mate your previous posts are more than 4 sentences but whatever, you do you, we will do what we want. I just hope one day that you will see the light and see how screwed the expansion and how they have destroyed WPvP since Legion onwards the last time there was real rivalry was WoD on Defias.
It’s clear that you’re new to the WPvP scene not that there is any left.
I’m waiting for Classic to play WPvP I remember and very fond of.
In the mean time, I’ll get the most out of War Mode, because it is as close as it got since Legion. Maybe you could send detailed feedback to Blizzard with what and why you don’t like - that is the best/only option for a chance of positive changes we have as players anyway.
There are pros and cons of WM shards, but they are not going away. Different players are gonna have different preferences, not gonna change.
We need solutions that we can implement now, without Blizz changes, using what we have in game.
What we want:
More community aspect to WM.
How would that be achieved:
Re-introduce/increase guild conflict.
Because of sharding, we are less likely to see enemy guild members.
We need to hunt enemy guilds across shards. More difficult in BfA - a challenge. After spotting an enemy guild member, both factions can inv guild members to groups - fight it out.
What we need:
Find the dedicated WPvPers that are out there, and encourage them into a WPvP guild that suits their prefs. A couple WPvP guilds per faction would be a good start. Each guild gm enforces the type of combat they want, lfg/no lfg, rp realms only, any realm, small scale, large scale, and so on.
Is there the will:
Do we actually have enough WPvPers in WM that want this? Time will tell, let's find out. At minimum, fun to try!
What won't work:
It's not gonna help build community, if the forum members that are talking about community are putting off potential community members. Each forum visitor is an opportunity to build WPvP community: