Please do something about boosting meta

They already put a 30 instance per 24 hours cap that I believe was aimed at boosting and not bots as they claimed. That screws over people needing to farm certain items in dungeons.

What more do you want?

Well of course it’s subjective to a lot of people, but you can get a general consensus of what it did better compared to this Frankenstein Classic version. I would say in my opinion and I think a lot of other people would agree that Patch 1.12 is not Vanilla. Rogues got nerfed in patch 1.12, mages got a ton of hit% and crit% given to them by accessible talents for absolutely no reason, healers had more streamlined talents given to them, gear stats are way overtuned for the earlier content of classic and favors casters again and shouldn’t have been in the game until later… and so forth. Why is this important? because it trivializes the content further than what it already is.

I would say the obvious lack of difficulty is the main reason it has failed to recreate the vanilla experience. Something they could have easily tuned.

Other points are

  • Stupidly large realm population, causing no realm community like Vanilla had.
  • World Buffs being abused
  • X realm ruining BG PVP
  • Layering, kind of ties into realm population issue

Anyway my point is Boosting goes against the philosophy of the game and should be addressed.

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True, then again we didnt have nearly as many players playing the game back then. Server tech also comes into play: 2005 vs 2020.
Would server/realm limitation be a solution? We allrdy see the rage from locked servers ( for obvious reasons ).
Servers were locked around 3k ish back in the day. Would that be ok in todays standard?

What sort of abusment?
My guild in vanilla required everyone to come fully prepared with buffs and pots, atleast to the main 40man raid. Mc if u did that, BWL and so on. ( i can understand that not all guilds had this requirement )
Are we talking about the ammount of wbuffs popping on a daily basis? Or the layering abusement?

Was also a thing in vanilla ( later patch ). No, not everyone enjoyed it. But it got tiresome after a good while to fight the same guilds every day.

Boosting or buying boosts are choices made by players, Blizzard can’t really intervene. Most players in classic have already leveled multiple characters to 60 “the old fashioned way” and are looking for ways to spend their coins to level quicker.
Personally I dont buy boosts, I prefer to level out in the open world while “twinking” up my character every few levels, spending hundreds of golds just to feel like a god on the occasional pvp fight i might have.
But I do see the appeal in buying boosts, it’s exciting in its own way to level up way quicker than you normally would, doing basically nothing.

Stop pretending this is not bad for classic.

The solution would be for blizzard to release a few fresh realms. This would be so awesome


Your opinions are BS tbh!
You should just stop using the forum, because that’s how bad they are.

Instead of having a 30 instance per day cap, how about an xp nerf for boosting?

If there’s someone in the party x amount of levels over the recommended level then xp can be drastically reduced. People can farm the items they need and now there are more people looking for groups. Voila.


I hope you are well aware that enforcing any change that would hurt the majority of the playerbase would only serve to kill Classic faster.

If you want to remove boosting you might just kill Classic altogether, because its just so common now. There is a reason people do it, it just f*cking boring to level another 60 without it when you have done it over 5 times before.


There is a reason people do it, it just f*cking boring to level another 60 without it when you have done it over 5 times before.

Maybe the healthier option would be to learn from pservers, and create dedicated realms for people who are only interested in endgame content. Realms, where you get level 60 and decent pre-bis gear at character creation. Such realms can further be separated in two categories: PvE (at char creation you instantly get gear to start raiding) & PvP (you can get any PvE gear at any time for free, but PvP gear only available for honor points). Yeah, this may sound crazy, but it’s definitely less crazy than boosting.

No it does not! This kinda behaviour is killing classic, I’m soon level 50 but many times I have considering quitting because it’s so tiresome to not get groups to any thing! My thoughts goes out to every new player that actually have no clue what wow is about! I’m sure more new players quit then stay when the open world feels empty or dead, maybe sharding is not a bad idea after all.

So what? Classic was never supposed to have an infinite shelf life. It was planned obsolence from the start. Idk why people still think Classic is the new big thing at Blizzard, its just there to hold you all over until you inevitably return to retail.


As u said…you are one year late man, nowadays the majority of low lvls are ppls´s alters and they want to lvl them asap by boosts so… live with it

What about brand new players? To keep the game alive we need a influx off new players or else the population will die out! Never gave that a thought?


Maybe those brand new players should join Normal realms instead, where there’s still plenty of people leveling the normal way. Heck, everytime I go on LFG channel I always see at least some LFG message for Wailing Caverns, Scarlet Monastery, ZF, Razorfen Downs etc. This rly seems a problem more on PvP servers by virtue of their cutthroat and competitive nature. Not exactly the kind of environment new players should seek out.

NEWSFLASH 90% of Classic players are old players. And ones that wanted to try it did at start of classic NEW will be some numbers like 200 in whole 2020 MAXIMUM

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I’m playing on a PvP server and there’re always ppl who are gathering groups for low/mid lvl dungeons. What’s your server again?

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Wailing Caverns, Scarlet Monastery, ZF, Razorfen Downs

In my experience (on a PvP realm), The Stockade, Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, and Scarlet Monastery are very alive. You can sometimes find normal non-boosting SM groups in the middle of the night during workdays. As for Razorfen Downs and Uldaman, they are so dead, it’s hard to find groups even at peak hours.

Please just stop using the forums, I have read post from people playing on earthsaker complaining about the same thing.

How come I see messages for low/mid lvl dungeons then?
You just complaining and complaining but don’t want to do something yourself regarding your problem…