Playing as hardcore, we want to take a break before phase 2 otherwise the burnout will be real.
Let the people catch-up, let the people get gear in raid, let the hardcore take a break, let the casual play without being to much behind of the curve.
Don’t post phase 2 to early.
Relax, phase 2 isn’t coming out this year
My bet is P2 will be released at late December or early January, between Patch 8.2.5 and 8.3
On nethergarde we had one super random MC Pug which crashed hard on first Boss
some realms are still far behind. Many small or still leveling guilds, often not having 10-man for UBRS.
I could not agree more. Nowadays people always need new content in a very short period of time and begin to cry immediately if nothing New is offered. I would also not say that people who play like 5 hours every Day and are Level 60 now are considered to be “casual”. People have to be honest with themselves: you are not casual if you play 5 hours a Day. If you go to the gym every Day for 5 hours nobody would call you a “casual”. In fact, people are rushing though the game and that is why they begin to get bored now only 3 weeks after release.
That kind of story warms my heart
Even if nothing died from a boss standpoint, it’s great to see so many randoms coming together!
I don’t mind if p2 and p3 would come at low pace, if we just would have Battlegrounds already.
Awful to wait until p3 for WSG 
Yeah, that is ineed the flipside of the coin. Although i don’t want the New content too early, i cant wait to join BGS 
I think the exact opposite. P2 should be really long so we can enjoy world pvp before everyone will spam battlegrounds for honor, sitting in the city all day.
PvE-wise P2 is just DM/world bosses.
I am so glad so many people want each phase to last a long time. I’d love to see each phase last 4 months MINIMUM.
I also predict P2 will not hit us until late December or early January.
Funnily enough, if P2 really takes a few more months people will probably flock to the forum and cry that they are bored instead of actually just taking a break, because the mere idea of NOT PLAYING WORLD OF WARCRAFT is abhorrent to them.
I don’t want to wait a year for bgs. Hope p3 will be as soon as possible. Classic pve is too boring, give me bgs please.
I play 3,4 hours per day now that i am on leave. I guess when my job begins again, maybe i will be playing less than 2 hours per day. And maybe not everyday.
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Phase 2 doesnt bring a new raid, it only brings DM and an actual PvP-system.
Currently, a large part of the game is missing from the actual game.
There’s NO reason for Blizz not to release it before Octobers end. Releasing it in December is way too late, a bunch of people will leave out of boredom which will result in less money for Blizz and emptier servers for the rest of us.
Donald would say: So true. So sad!
P2 only adds honor and Dire Maul anyway, no more raid content.
And Dire Maul basically offers you more pre-raid catch up gear; actually making life easier for the people who levelled slower.
Ive been active on many game forums throughout my life, including a few other MMO game forums and none of them are so singularily obsessed with their own game as the WoW Forum community. Content droughts happen in every MMO, but only in WoW people rather cry for days that there is not enough content instead of playing the millions of other games out there.
I disagree with that. You might be right and from Blizzards point of view nothing speaks against an early release of next phases. But if they release all phases much earlier that means that the end-content ist also reached or released earlier. People will still cry that the game is “over” and “boring” now and i fear that Blizzard will Do someting stupid then and maybe release another “great” addon and… Suddenly we are facing the same situation that ruined vanilla years ago: New content that destroys step by step the game.
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