Slower pace is the healthy choice for this project to last long. Anyone feeling bored already should take the time to get more toons or stack up some cash, fishing is a part of the game, if you have a child, tell them this is just a fishing-game and boom, you’re golden.
you will wait a year for BG’s
Phase 2 isn’t coming this year
So relax
And then the casual wont experience UBRS/LBRS again because the gear in DM will make it all redundant and there wont be any doing blackrock spire because the gear in DM is so overly op. The MC will be a different kind of steamroll than what it is currently with gear from dm.
Phase 2 is honor system and DM/world bosses.
There’s no reason to delay it at all. In fact i don’t think people will realise how crap the prospect of MC for 6 months is
/signed as posted by OP.
This is wise.
So I’m hardcore beacuse I play 5 hours a day? Ok, if thats the case.
I’m still lvl 35 ( 13 hours at that level )
Started about 3 weeks ago or so. 4 -7 hours everyday.
Farmed gold to get mount, levled up professions.
There is no rush, the end game will come. Been there done all that. Enjoying smelling the flowers.
You still need/want to run Lbrs, Ubrs despite of DM due to various reasons.
They know and they are prepared for it to happend.
I only got 60 2 days ago.
Did my first MC yesterday, as a fury warrior I barely get any upgrades in MC but please no ph2 yet.
The game is good as it is.
I remember clearly nobody wanting to head into blackrock spire, only perhaps for attunement and MC and ony pugs were pugged for a few items, hopefully that will change considering that today realm have a population of 10k concurrent players while in vanilla it wast mostly 2k. Many people will completely ignore MC because the gear from DM trivializes most of the loot in MC, you will have very few items that are actually better than the drops in MC. Phase 1 must be longer if you want at least 50% of the player to experience the content, or it depends what kind of gear check is required for BWL.
Yes, imho you definately are. I dont judge you for that, its your free choice and if you have the time, good for you. But i think its far away from a normal bahaviour if one does whatever for 5 hours a Day. Apart from going to work maybe but i belive you understand what i mean
But but but… I want my epic charger… I need P2 for that whine
Acording to studies it’s considered normal to play between 2-4 hours.
I mean, who even wants phase 2 right now other then the 5% of hardcore players?
5% should never dictate what the 95% are doing, people have been warned not to rush it too soon.
Thats true…stop rushing…enjoy the game, do something new, play a different class or make an profession that you never did…if not go and play BfA…
Weapons/Trinkets/rings/necks etc, majority are better in MC than DM.
DM was designed for casters to catch up to melee though.
There will still be pre BiS and BiS items in Lbrs, Ubrs that players will go after long after BWL.
Not everyone wants to raid, so there will always be players returning to those dungeons. New and Old.
Also players after Dungeon set 0.5
Genuine question to the “dont release phases to fast please”-people.
Why do you want blizzard to delay P2? (I’m talking about P2 and only P2 here).
What good does waiting months for P2 do to the game and the playerbase?
I disagree. Delay the rest if you want but I want my honor for killing Alliance scum.