Please don't unlock covenants in SL

Juat becouse ita not relevant for you doesnt mean its not relevant for anyone els

There is a rule, he would have to decline using Fire/Fel elements and convert himself into using holy power for the “Holy” to actualy grant him that power, which will basically turn him into a priest.

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… Christ. It’s hard to believe that you are not trolling at this point. Yeah, sure, that explains all the warlocks training at Light’s Hope Chapel.


hahaha best post here xD


So why are Blizzard most likely going live with it then? What’s their thought behind it?

No there isnt. Holy is form of power what anyone can harvest. They just choose to not to. There is whole ritual in your covenant to learn you use their power.

“The developer team is very happy how this system turned out” - Ion, most likely. At least this was always his argument for everything the players hated.


What minoriry of players hate. Blizzard devs are no dumb *****. They see their numbers and what works and what doesnt.

what you perceive as the minority.*


Sounds like you’re only here to spread your hate towards Blizzard, and not even trying to answer my question.

Oh true, even know i barely can keep up with replying to all the people who love covenants. Oh wait, it’s just you.


Do you realize that most people dont even know about covenant system right? They dont engage on forums, they dont read websites or watch Blizzcons. And Blizza3d desing game around this playerbase.

Not spreading hate, this was his answer during the Q&A-s when questions like this came up, so i can’t tell you more, no one can.


Like i said, all for metrics… and development tricks.
What development tricks? Well they’re going to “improve” the systems patch by patch, make it less cumbersome, less convoluted… less annoying to use.

And then go: See guys, we’re listening to feedback!

Just like they did with corruption availability this patch, azerite shenanigans, just like they did their legendary improvements in Legion.

You wanna know why they don’t make the conduits like essences? And made them destructible? Because they want us to make them an object of farming, for their played metrics.

They said they won’t make them destructible, but they said they want a middle ground, so somewhere between current destructible implementation and freely swappable essences.


So it is a total mystery for you why they will lock them in? You don’t have a single clue?

Yeah, that’s really hard to believe when it’s literally everywhere. Twitter, facebook, reddit, YouTube. Do you imply that the “majority” of the playerbase don’t use those either?


After all the interviews where everyone argued against it and Ion’s most logical response was “if it won’t work out, covenant abilities will be talents but we want to make it work like this”, no, i don’t.

It’s just the typical, we somewhat listen and we might give you what you want in a few major patches later, answer. They lock them because that was their original idea, that’s all we know for sure.


They so. But defintly do not follow gaming type of content.

By everyone you mean few youtubers/twitch streamers and their followrs? Thats hardly everyone.

At this point i assume he means everyone who is not you and Vinzora. Because we have yet to see the incredible support from the very well hiding majority.

By the way, if the majority loves everything, why did they had to always implement what the minority asked for? Surely that few hundred people of entitled players don’t matter as much as the majority, right?