Please don't unlock covenants in SL

Well looking back at your perception of every1 or almost everyone I dont think you are the best judge friend :slight_smile:


So we have Rayzen who thinks it’s all a conspiracy.

And we have Demair who admits he has absolutely no clue why they are doing this.

You’re not even trying toi listen to the ones disagreeing with you :slight_smile:

Let’s just skip the locking of covenants and play patch 9.1 where they are switchable, like talents/essences currently are.

Don’t worry guys, you still won’t be invited to groups.

You know why?
Because you:

  1. Put no effort into playing your class to be effective
  2. Don’t even bother doing the content
    You can’t be carried if you don’t even apply to groups even.

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s common sense.
Why not allow conduits to be like essences then? They already have this no-destruction system in.

Ion said that they don’t have a solution in the recent interview.

Well look there, the solution is already in-game.
Don’t be naive please. :smiley:

They just don’t want that in, because they want players to farm them.


That’s what i said in the first place, what’s wrong with you? Hard to know what their reasons are when they are not replying with anything logical to the criticism.


What does this has to do with locked in covenants?

Blizzard spent an hour with Preach arguing for locked in convenants, it’s on YouTube. For me and plenty of others in became clear after that interview.

It’s about their motivations.
Not hard to understand, maybe you just don’t want to.

And it’s fine for Blizzard to do this, totally fine, it’s their game.

It’s also fine for the player base to complain about the systems Blizzard puts in.
Everyone has that right.


You mean trying to make us believe that their idea is going to work regardless of all the negative and logical feedback about it, like how they argued for the legendary system, azerite system, essences, corruption and then in the end they always had to give the players what they actually wanted a few major patches later. Edit: sorry, half of what the players wanted, because the legendary vendor was random, essences are not account wide in the way players wanted, and corruption vendor don’t have all the corruptions at once. All of this because they are way too stubborn even if their ideas are failing.

Yeah, at this point i’m not buying it when all they did in the last couple of years was proving that their ideas just enforce elitism on an insane level.


You made my day, what a pro word hahahha GJ

About unlocking and locking, I was never fan of respecing before evry game in arena or before evry boss in raid, for me its tiresome, and breaks entire point of having talents and specs, in addition I deeply disrespect those people who not use their brains but always copy/paste whats meta. Overal I hate meta, and consider it very low skill gameplay, how I can respect a player who must play meta class, meta spec to get high ratting?

I was happy back in vanilla when respecing was doable but expensive, and people offten get stuck with spec, which is good because than player learn to play with pros and cons of their spec, not respec 50times per day because some meta idiot or guide said so (use your brain instead doing copy/pastes)

I woud like covenants to be switchable, but switch shoud be expensive and time consuming

Ion says it’s 1% damage difference but that’s completely not true.
People say not to unlock covenants to everyone because they probably haven’t even done research.
I will give my mage covenant ability example:
If you are a fire mage your Necrolord covenant ability literally makes your fireball go to other 2 enemies for 20 second, giving you 10% spell power.
If you ever check “details” (addon) you can see that fireball barely does 2% of your damage in literally any situations.
So if you go Necrolord instead of Kyrian or any other you will lose around 15% pure dmg if not even more.
Stop This Madness please.


I believe up to 40% disparity existed in Alpha


In the " A Conversation with Ion Hazzikostas on Shadowlands Player Power"
Ion said: Oh someone will go that covenant for transmog and other would care about that 1% more dmg buff!
Edit: It’s completely not true it’s so much more over 30%


Most people when discussing this issue seem to forget that it’s a bit extra needy to go “oh well just pick a minmaxed covenant or don’t complain that you don’t get invited”. Why is it extra needy? The game doesn’t tell you which Covenant will be your bis for the content you want to do. It doesn’t come with “For your specific spec, please pick Venthyr for M+ and Nightfae for raids” type of disclaimers for example.
What you’re saying is:

  1. Even if you’re a new player, you must innately know to consult third-party, malicious ad-riddled websites with a thousand of trackers and scripts (wowhead pages on average rack up 800-1200 in 20 minutes of staying on a page).
  2. After you hit max level, no matter how excited you are to check out max level content, you must stop everything and alt-tab to wowhead (or close the game if your pc can’t handle having wowhead and wow open at the same time, which is a pretty widespread issue btw).
  3. You must remember not to pick a Covenant before reading up about it, spoiling the story for yourself. Read a couple hours of Covenant guides on wowhead to make sure you know each Covenant. But they won’t just give you the cliffnotes version for your spec, class and content type. It’ll be peppered in between story spoilers, in articles masked as “overviews” of the Covenants.

How is this immersive, diverse, or promotes exploration, discovery or rpg elements in any way, shape or form? And once again everyone forgets new or returning players, and all those who simply don’t want to spoil every Covenant’s entire story just to find out which one’s mandatory for their spec to raid.
I swear this entire Covenant thing makes my eyes narrow every time someone writes another topic about it. The same illogical things repeat over and over, all from selfish standpoints.


Asmon did an interesting poll on his twitter

I realise there is some influence with who saw the poll but still 58% would go with whatever a top raider tells them.


I like the idea of covenants being locked, it adds a nice layer of MMORPG and immersion, however I also like pushing high end content and cutting edge, and I have no doubt in my mind as it stands some covenant abilities will be BiS for certain encounters and you’ll be “forced” to switch onto it for progress reasons. I’m certain the last two mythic bosses of the tiers everyone will be specced in whatever covenant is best, and that to me is a design problem.

I don’t even know why he said that, its very obvious that the difference between covenant abilities will be always huge depending on the situation, because of their design, doesn’t matter how they will try to balance it. It will never be a close choice.


When you don’t know how big that “some” is, the figures are completely useless.

I only follow him on twitter, which is how I saw the poll. But I believe he has the largest following of any wow streamer.

I also don’t think everyone that watches him is a hardcore player.


I wonder if people that like to play what they like actually ever tried serious rading.

Trying new specs and explore the game, it’s fun when you are in this game as a new player.

After going through many guilds which ask you to Respec and farm BiS all of that costing gold and time I am glad there’s guides for me today.
I have very limited time and wasting it on failed builds is a big no for me.

We had people wanting to play fun specs in vanilla. Like elemental shaman, moonkin Druid.
I never saw them helping when the guild needed, leaving when it didn’t suit them.

I remember a UBRS 10 man run where my RL friend spent the entire fight dead because the Druid was too busy trowing moonfires at the boss. Instead of using his battle Rez.
In short terms: selfish players.
Always doing their stuff when instead of helping the guild expecting to be carried in group content.

I watched Preach interview through Asmongold, because I was more interested in knowing what three people had to say instead on two.
And I can safely say that I saw two guys that actually play the game and one other that played in the past but now he’s so out of touch that is sad.


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That 58% is 11486 currently, so we do know how big that is. Obviously this is the part where the “but that’s nothing compared to the full playerbase” argument comes in, but it’s irrelevant. It already shows that the majority will want to go with the option that gives them the most dps in order to not be considered a slacker or simply to not underperform compared to others.

This is where the issue of different covenant abilities being better in different kind of content comes in, so people have to choose the content they do the most and underperform everywhere else, which is obviously not fun to be bad at the majority of the contents. I wonder how this could be solved… Oh, maybe they could add covenant abilities as talents and conduits/legendary effects as baseline passives so that players wouldn’t have to join a covenant they don’t even like for the sake of keeping up with others in one type of content.