Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

That 2k on my frost is skill problem as soon as i saw some frost dk on 2.5k
Thats why im pushing frost so much.
With unholy i can get 2.4 when ever i want didnt played for a while my mmr is problaby so high i will get that 100points even if i loose every game but i dont care about unholy at all.

That’s completely fine because of how well the dk pairs with the meta comps you don’t face dk at the very top of the ladder it’s doing fine it falls of around 2600 something been S tier means the entire meta revolves around them when they are played at its best that is not currently dk.

I guess we have very different views of what dominating means because dk is not even close to dh or ww in shuffle and it had a massive head start before it was nerfed even demo lock is close to going over the unholy dk peak in shuffle in around 200 less games.

Frost doesn’t have Necrotic Wounds so it loses a lot of healing. It’s way squishier and it cannot brawl like Unholy. What Frost needs is a small survivability buff. Maybe a passive or a CD in Frost tree and it will be fine. It has actually even too much damage but cannot deal it because it dies to fast so it plays some cheese comps like FDK/Devoker/x so they both assist each other.

I don’t play shuffle but as far as I saw the stats Unh was 2nd represented spec in 3s. It’s extremely strong with BM and in TWD from what I saw when my friends were playing 2300-2500 range.

As far as I remember among DPSes above 2400 it was:


And that is my point dk is been run in every comp because of necrotic wounds just bringing that ability takes the S tier specs over the top people are not playing comps like ww/dh ww/bm hunter they are picking up unholy dk to play dh/dk ww/dk bm/dk demo/dk anything outside of these comps its bad to take a dk.

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Absolutely agree 3s are different thing. Also we play EU. Here everyone is sweaty and tries to play every S tier comp. It’s not NA where people play whatever they like for fun.

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True and in shuffle dk has a very high rep because 90% of lobbys you get ww/dh/lock/dk lobbies you are guranteed 4 wins just because you get 2 S tier comps the moment you load in if you go into a caster lobby as dk without having a BM hunter its usually a loss tho.

You are not far from a laundry list of comps for dk. Some specs should be happy if they even have 2 comps going for them.

Saying that uhdk is not S tier because it doesn’t have like 10 S tier comps it can run seems pretty silly, no?

UH DK is pretty fun in shuffle and 2v2 paired with holy pala.

I like playing with them on rsham too. Its S tier dps in 2s, 3s and ss.

If there are 10 then list 5 of them. UDK has 3 comps. Unh/BM/x, TWD, Havoc/Unh/X and Unh/Demo/x which is the weakest. There aren’t more S tier comps for Unh DK. It is one of the strongest specs but what you say is pure nonsense.

all these people crying for melee nerfs apparently enjoy being endlessly cc’d and manhandled by locks eles mages and boomkins while they spam 100k dps laserbeams at you

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You say 3
You list 4
You forget UHDK / Devoker

That’s 5

Amount of comps is important for a class. When a class is so good that it can play with everything, that definitely says something “laughs in Sub rogue”

DK is pretty good right now basically because it can fight back and has good CC. If DK doesn’t have dmg in its current state it’s just dead by default nonstop cause it’s usually the kill target in most games due to not really being able to kite well and being a punching bag for all melee / physical classes

Not an S tier comp. A tier at best. Unh/Demo isn’t S tier either.

Now read his message again and guess where you were wrong. You just simply confirmed what he said, but it flew over your head.

He’s on a mission to prove his points while contradicting himself and posting from a lvl 11 character

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You’re on a mission trying to make Havoc not looking overtuned.

The reason why Unh is good this season is that they shifted damage from Ghuls to DK himself and it’s mostly magic so he bypasses the armor.

No mention of Rogues, how interesting.

Do you main a Rogue?

250k from a Fmage the other day. :skull:

367k chaosbolts

Just played a game in which unholy got folded from 500k hp to 0 hp in 1 second by the destro and ww, that was pretty funny not gonna lie. He’s priest did not even had a time to use trinket)

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