Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

At least you can stun, ground, reflect or CC chaos bolt. DH presses Essence Break on you and you can get such number from a single Blade Dance. I recently started to practice arena123 kicks a bit more and while Destru when paired with Frost Mage.

Regarding WW you have to stop him at Serenity no matter what. Good way is to Fear it. 9/10 Monks will trinket so you have free Storm Bolt. I’d also recommend to track new Spinning Crane Kick procs as he gets a buff to Blackout Kick after. This way you won’t get surprised with huge Blackout Kicks. With DH it’s a bit weird. This new mechanic randomly buffing his spells is just dumb. Unholy on the other hand got a lot of benefit from the shift from ghoul damage to DK himself.

You’re becoming very boring at this point. It isn’t exactly difficult to micro CC a DH on his Essence Break Blade dance, it’s literally delayed and even the most annoying triple DR micro CC will stop the combo. It’s not instant damage. Meaning theres multiple people who have time to react to it.

Now go react to some random 200k RSK outside of Serenity or a 260k Eviscerate while your character is permanently stunned, or a 350k Ferocious bite while you are once again 5 second stunned

Can you stop dodging the point and reveal your characters?

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Serenity is 2 min. CD. Essence Break isn’t. Also it’s not that you get stunned when he Essence Breaks.

Both Sub and Feral are extremely scripted in their gameplay. There is no passive that increase their damage randomly. On top of it it’s not that you can just do PvE rotation and be top damage as either of them. Sub is just a setup spec and Feral needs to land Clones to deal damage.

Learn to read a reply before you do your own, and Serenity is 90 seconds. I said outside of Serenity. Your lack of game knowledge is hilarious.

You play Havoc. Your opinion doesn’t count.

I also play 12 other specs. I don’t need to hide myself on the forums like some level 11 orc warlocks.

What you play and what’s your experience? Specifically you, not your friends


I’m willing to bet he plays a Vulpera BM hunter on 1300 unable to get a higher win ratio than 35%

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Ele Shaman 2400 exp. 2070 currently. I’m pretty active on the forums for years. Just my account bugged. Cannot switch to retail chars for whatever reason. Just type first part of my name. You shouldn’t have problems with finding me. Also it’s funny when Irony calls me 1500 exped as he is offending you lol xD

Actually they fixed it. My ticket worked. I can finally use my retail chars.

So basically you hate DH because of spam dispelling your Flame Shocks. Fair enough! It deplete’s the DH’s healer mana bar faster than if u spammed Lavalavas on people, but I get ur other post.

That doesn’t mean you should just outlash about the class for unrelated reasons. As I said previously, Cleansed by flame can easily be changed to have an Internal CD of like 20 seconds so it could just be used to remove things like hunter roots.

So that change would be fine by me. But just spam writing trashtalk about the class in other ways is annoying to read

Yes DH is easy to play to do damage with and on the lower level. And that changes drastically when you actually have to use ur utility properly and play on higher ratings.

I hate Havoc because it’s toxic since it was introduced. Firstly Blade Dance dodge, then Mana Burns, then Shadowlands S2 when PvE Hacoc DHs were immortal when paired with Boomy. Now this pathetic rework where spec is designed around rng that one spell can deal insane % of damage more and dispels everything built in rotation. I don’t mind Reverse Magic. I’m fan of it because it’s utility that requires thinking.

Also Havoc costs us the removal of pre-Legion Demo. One of the coolest specs ever.

In SL your matchup into DH was laughable as Ele, that makes more sense.

But now it doesn’t matter that much.

Ele shaman is arguably even easier to do damage with. You’re in the same boat as DH, like it or not. A spec that does damage easily, where the skill ceiling is basically in how utility is used. 50 billion disruption spells as Ele.

While damage is the easy part I agree there is way more counterplay into you and you need to use way more toolkit to play Ele to the skill cap. I’m not even close to it.

I don’t say Ele is weak but there is no mechanic where I just can ignore a certain spec because a counter is built into my rotation. Havoc rework is disgusting.

Ele is part of the reason “caster casters” aren’t playable. Ele literally has no bad matchup, except maybe Sub rogues.

I’m not bashing on your spec or anything. I play Ele a lot myself, it’s super fun! But it isn’t super fun for the enemy caster or healer or even melee to get spam aids CC-ed by me in 50 different ways.

What spam CC Ele has. As far as I know it’s rather disruptive. Has the most frequent kick as caster and Grounding but CC?

You knock a guy. Grip entire team into a static field. Into a cap stun totem. Which has a talent that can summon a 2nd cap stun totem. Unleash Shield knock melees away. Basically an infinite amount of knockbacks.

When ppl complained about Ele bots in shuffle one of the signs was melees getting knocked 0.1 on things like Charge or Hook

Lasso. Roots.

are these 200k rsks outside of serenity in the room with us rn?

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Neither Thunderstorm nor Static are CC per say because you can control your char and if you’re quick enough you can destroy the totem.

Nobody serious play Capacitor because you usually play with specs that stun anyway so it’s just worthless DR.

In terms of Unleash Shield most of the times you have to play Grounding and Burrow so you have space for Static or Unleash. The only matchup I can think I would have Unleash Shield and Static is a meelecleave with MW. Even into Disc it’s a value because then Disc has to use UP on his ally or you’ll ground it.

Lasso requires cross CC or enemies to use their kicks to get a full value. Most of the comps you play you’re the target. If you play with Warlock you can get a lot of value with it. Good luck Hexing into Druids and Shamans.

As you noticed you rarely cast nowadays so 99% they’d have that kick for lasso.

Probably he was thinking of 4 set Blackout Kicks.