Please Nerf Havoc, Unholy and Windwalker asap

We’ll need Bloodlock for the forensic evidence, I don’t have much with me right now

Listen we can stay here and keep arguing but then we’re gonna queue up and die 100-0 in Shadow duel to sub rogue

There’s just bigger problems in the game right now than Ele and Havoc. If we don’t mention Sub rogue, I don’t know how everybody is sleeping on Devastation Evoker hitting for 300k while spamming 1 button all game lol

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To be fair both Devoker and Sub are winnable. Into Devoker I lose when I played poorly. I missed kick or two or didn’t use Grounding well. Sub is stressful but until it’s high end Sub their gameplay is extremely scripted and they lose hard on tempo. Sub had burst but weak damage.

its brodan the shaman his char is juts stucked he cannot log on it

Here we go with the DH complaints again. :rofl: It’s quite boring how every post you make is mostly bad mouthing DHs…

Frost DK actually requires a setup compared to unholy so no, it isn’t braindead.

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It is hilarious when you post your stats or say that Rogue can 3x Cheap Shot into Kidney

It is hilarious how you’re always complaining about DHs in every thread.

At least I have an idea what is going on and I don’t claim H Priest isn’t better than H Pala

You actually don’t, but you keep on thinking that buddy.

Says guy who positioned H Priest over H Paladin and says that he gets 3 Cheap Shots into Kindey Shot. It seems we play two different games

Ok cool story bro. Keep your thoughts to yourself. x


Also I just found that you don’t even play 3s so I shouldn’t even take your opinions serious.

Yeah… I get it… You don’t like DHs, jeez, give it a rest man.

I don’t enjoy playing with anyone else but my friend. And we only do 2s for conq cap, we don’t play seriously. I don’t find the amount of CCs fun at all. Game’s not like it used to be. :man_shrugging:

So if you don’t play seriously why are you talking. If you have 0 clue about what you talk about and be quiet. In Poland we say “talking is silver but being silent is golden”. In your case being silent is an opportunity not to compromise yourself that you waste

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Because I still play and because I can? Do you think you’re more superior than me? You keep on making a fool out of yourself, just stop.

I’m not superior. You just said you don’t play superior and then pretend you know something about meta from 2s and RSS.

Also with this superiority it’s funny that your guild is “Storm Force Elite”

If it makes you stop posting nonsenses like H Priest being better than H Paladin then I’m fine with continuing

Still crying about that, oh dear… :man_facepalming: Not much else going on in life champ?

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DH is one of the best specs in the game and has an automatic self dispel which cripples his spec. people tend to complain about the best specs in the game or ones that counter their own spec. its also a thread about havoc, unholy and windwalker (based on the title), so why wouldn’t he? he has 3 reasons to complain about it.

In every thread, even threads that aren’t about DHs.