Please stop changing WoW Classic Classic

Dual spec is an absolute no go for me. Why do people keep enforcing these changes to the original version of WoW? You can play alot of other versions which include Dual spec and all the changes you keep asking for, just leave this version alone.

My main reasons are its completly against the spirit of era, and above all it dillutes the value of certain hybrid classes that play a tax to fullfill multiple roles in the game (Hybrid specs, which are maybe not meta but fun and valuable).

The cheering of people on these forums bullying people who just want to play the original version (or atleast the era version) in an fresh enviroment is pretty sickening tbh. Without this group of people there wouldn’t be any classic WoW in the first place.


Might as well add Might of Stormwind at this pace…

Go play classic era then nobody is stopping u :stuck_out_tongue:


Thats also a good point. This will open the flood gates and alot of people will come crawling out off the shadows demanding all kind of other changes again.


Rather them get rid of world buffs entirely


If you want “no changes” stay on Era version, mate.
And even there you have changes, easy R14 brackets. :sweat_smile:

It’s not era, it was announced with minor changes and it will progress to TBC. :sweat_smile:


Although I don’t mind “some changes” like the improved honor ranking system (why should I have to keep doing nothing but BGs to keep my high ranks? Real military personnel do not lose their ranks as they age), I get the sentiment. Blizzard has created lots of hype before, of a classic deviation project such as Season of Mastery, and now Discovery, and then irreversibly added so many retail-like things that it personally killed my interest in it.

I’m simply afraid Blizzard will do a lot more than just simple quality of life changes. On the other hand, Era is there, and will be there, but a fresh start definitely helped me to get back to Classic where everyone will equally be starting from nothing.

If it was up to me we would have zero changes, but so far they haven’t done anything unacceptable. We can live with dual spec, it won’t change the game at a fundamental level.
Just keep fending of the classic±ers and it should be fine.


Blizzard is going by popular demand. They want to make their game appealing to a larger audience and not only to those who played 20 years ago.

The vast majority of the Classic player base is against GDKP and for dual specs.
I get you may not like it but the true classic WoW of 2004 is gone forever. Unless you find some private server still running it.

I don’t mind these changes at all, even though I’m a big fan of Vanilla. There are some QoL that are simply too good once you get used to it and implementing them in Classic - IMHO - adds tremendous value. I’ve never been a huge fan of farming mindlessly for hours every week so you can respec/buy consumes. At least now thing will be more fluid on that front. The PvP ranking is more accessible now (maybe a tad too accessible) and that’s another win overall.

We can expect more changes in that direction in the future as Blizzard looks to pay more attention to its player-base demands.

In the end, even though it is a fresh launch we have to accept that those versions are not for the purists. Things will keep on changing as I believe they are still trying things out for a Classic+ in a couple of years. They tried a lot in SoD and they are about to try-out a few things on classic ERA and TBC and see how we respond to it.


Dual spec is another great change. This way , many more can play healers, since they can change when they dont raid and not pay 50g every talent change. They dont need to make another alt to farm stuff on. This should be in game from 2005. It does not destroy the game in any way.

The removal of debuffs is another great change. Now druids can use moonfire etc in raids, warlocks can dot what they want, and druids can renew all they like.

We have had no change in vanilla now for 20 years, time to move ahead a bit. Slowly. And this is very slowly. And classic+ will be great if they only do small changes like this. Another change should be to buff some classes dps a bit at 60, maybe give druids another rank of spells and abilities so they can be decent dpser at 60. Same with shaman etc.


Let’s just pray that we can keep the wow token away.


If we want a decent team of devs to take care of classic, a shop is inevitable. Subscription price have not changed since 2004 and everything is more costly.
I don’t really want that but having 5 devs to take care of 4 different iterations of Classic is starting to feel like a joke. They don’t even have GMs in game anymore.

changes from sod and som have already been imported to era, what makes u think fresh to era wont?

it’s only a matter of time, i suspect when transfers open up. enjoy the game while you can.

I totally agree with the OP, I’ll rather stick to my era chars now. It’s a shame since I was looking forward to experiencing something resembling vanilla fresh again :slight_smile:

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To be honest, I think they create those anniversary realms purely to give them the ability to edit the original classic wow, without upsetting the ERA players. Because they have their unedited ERA servers right.

This is probably also why they have been experimenting with season of discovery. In a few years from now, it might have become classic 2.0. The hype for classic fresh, might have been too hopefull.

People are just so worried, that this new blizzard team does not know what made classic, still be so epic, compared to the toned down retail, which feels a lot less epic, and that they might ruin the only version they deem fun.

Classic is epic, because less is more. Each class has their own vibe, their own specialty. And the dungeons are challenging and engaging, not a mass pull aoe button smash fest, but more tactical. Also the gfx of the 20 year old version is a lot more detailed compared to the glossy undetailed retail. And classic needs you to be social, which retail does not. And lastly, might surprise blizzard, some people like clunky gameplay as in classic more than the smoothed glibbery vaselinelike gameplay of retail.


You know that your opinion is not THE ground truth? Enjoyment of a game is subjective.
It seems like everyone that oposes the new changes thinks they are right and ONLY THEY are right.
You are not THE voice of the community. You are one of the voices. You want to force Anniversary Classic to be Classic, yet you fail to open up even a little to some changes.
Why are YOU right and WE are wrong?

Entiteled no-life gamers want to play the same game for 20 years. Get a life.


Dual spec is the best thing ever


kek now theyre changing the way layers work so its like retail, you couldn’t make this sht up-

Really sour taste in my mouth after todays updates. And the server isn’t even launched yet. Hopefully they will leave the rest as is :pray:


I wish they would just remove layers… Never liked this idea.