This is purely player created problem. Until AQ40 you can completely chill with any consumables and clear it easily. Few potions can help, more so in AQ40. If people want to parse and get BiS ASAP but don’t want to put in the time then WTF?
That’s why they added LFR Clearing Naxx once to have it cleared probably is a common goal, but then if people expect to PUG it and get it for “free” then they may be for a surprise. Before TBC launches there will be likely a few months of Naxx, part probably with TBC pre-patch making it somewhat easier. If there are 40 people willing to put in the effort they can clear it once rather quickly but it won’t be for everyone for free.
I remember my Classic OG launch guild never fully cleared Naxx. Some people joined PUGs and got clear, but the AQ40 clearing guild did not fully clear Naxx, mostly because of player attrition over time - and for Naxx you need a good 40.
Era actually gives you a gear set that will never expire. There is an upgrade path from entry-level raids to final raids but when you get your BiS it’s forever. For most people, all that RMT on Anniversary Era is bad because others already have gear, and there is no race… People want RMT to buy a junk blue BoE (not to mention purple BiS) on Anniversary rather than not have to do that at all on Era (or play such on Anniversary).
I’m on PvE and even there I see more and more FOMO braindead people. Thankfully Blizzard started banning. Surprisingly ~ a week after the bot ban wave quite a bit of players started taking 2-week/10-day “breaks” from the game some probably forever.
You dont get it do you?
People also want the journey and a progressive realm.
Imho, MC/Ony was released way too soon. Had to rush so much. And I spent a ton of time.
For most people this pace is not sustainable. Just farm like a bot 24/7 all day all night grind grind grind. For what? So that everything I worked for is instantly outdated? It is not fun at all … like WTF??? Get a life. You dont have to play the game all day every day.
There is NO REASON to rush the content!!
Why does anyone even have the opinion of … lets rush this so i can get the next expansion.
Why are you even playing the game?
Do you even like the game if you want it to be instantly over?
And why does blizzard even give in to this dumb idea.
We already had “rushing crusade” and “rush of the lich king”.
And the result? It was terrible. Hated the rush so damn much.
No time to have any fun.
No time to learn the arenas because I have to grind all the time.
Yes the pace is too fast. I’m still trying to get raid pre bis on holy paladin, having bad luck with drops at this rate BWL will drop by the time I could start doing MC/Ony.
If I can’t keep up I’ll just finish my raid pre bis and sit in SW until TBC comes, maybe even roll an alt.
What stops you from starting MC in 6 months? By then amount of PUGs or guild bindings/split runs will be a thing so getting into them will be very easy without making commitments.
You are overexaggerating a lot. Do you want to be in the server’s best guild to be guaranteed 30-minute MC runs and have to no-life it because it’s a guild for no-lifers?
If you are that upset with tier upgrades then maybe play a single-player game or Era. Players I saw would be rather happy to get better gear, and upgrades. Nobody will be crying over poor T1 sets from MC.
When BWL opens you will still need like 2 months to get a somewhat noticeable gear set from it and another 4 months to get missing parts if at all. That will apply to EVERY player.
For fun. I haven’t farmed DM yet, didn’t farm any consumables, didn’t switch to herb/alchemy yet, and may even take a break from the game between raid tiers. Where are you rushing?
Do you have a day-by-day in-game schedule for the next 14 months of the vanilla part? What’s so physically demanding that you need half a year, a year, before BWL?
It’s purely your own FOMO problem. It’s not the game, it’s not Blizzard, it’s just you (or a stupid guild master as well).
You can start doing MC/Ony in greens, you can enter MC at level 55. With how easy it is all you need is 20 pumpers and the other 20 can be tourists. You don’t need some abstract list of gear to then enter the raid.
If someone is setting such a requirement for you - change the guild/PUG.
Hit and cirt are worth more than pure str agi and other stats, T0.5 both rogue and warrior is something you wear going into AQ, and for rogue the set bonus is insane
What you fail to understand I feel like is that the game isn’t just raiding and getting full bis for a huge part of the playerbase. Maybe it is for you and/or your in-game social circle. I want to level a couple of classes to 60, take my time to gear them up and have some fun doing pvp and enjoy each phase thoroughly.
With this rapid timeline I cannot do that like I used to do in the previous classic release in 2019. How hard is it to understand that this is not about MC or BWL or any kinda raid? Especially in vanilla, where there’s so much more to do in the game besides raidlogging.
Tell me why you can’t level up multiple characters and gear them over around 15 months? And if so why everyone should wait for your characters? What if someone plays only one?
You realize that like 90% of the guilds and pugs will simply not take you if you arent wearing pre bis? Respect to that 10% honorable exception of course. I’d like to think this is not the case but it is.
I cannot, because of irl responsibilities and social life, make it in 15 months but thats not even the main issue again. I’m not expecting everyone to “wait” for me or something, which then again is not the case either way since from what you can see on this thread, most people do agree the pace is too quick.
You keep trying to invalidate my argument by not seeing the whole picture and trying to find loopholes in my statements. It’s about the fact this game’s timeline with 6 major phases is not supposed to be run on a 1 year duration. Too much content in too little time. If you disagree with this, fair, it’s a subjective opinion
On Thunderstrike I never saw gear checks. The only thing I saw was DPS selection as those are in abundance. For healers nobody cares and will beg you to join their raid… same for geared tanks. I’m a druid and I’m mostly healer in raids but I already got yoinked in a PUG and once in guild to tank Rag due to my bear FR meme-set Non-bis tank, non-bis gear, disaster threat, yet it worked from certain point of view…
On PvP realm it’s more deranged but still I would not expect people gating healers from raids.
It’s more than one year, still even with the faster pace and TBC just after there will be constant population decline, especially before AQ. Making it 2Y, 3Y would only make it Era 2.0 IMHO and before TBC peopple would ask for a fresh realm to be added Blizzard releases realms for mainsteam of gamers, whatever that is.
It seems you sometimes fail to realize that this is not a single-player game. What other players do in this game affects me and vice versa. The whole experience is different when players are so far apart in their progress.
For example, look at the economy. The further the game has progressed, the less valuable gold becomes. If I then sell stuff I collect during questing, I earn way more gold than I’d earn in an environment that hasn’t progressed that far.
This makes it easier for me to achieve certain things in the game, like buying an epic mount. Now, if I don’t want all those things to be easier, there is no switch to turn that off. I can only stop selling my stuff, but that is also not the same experience like it would be on a less progressed environment, because that would actually be a harder experience then. I’d have to forgo any income from the auction house.
The same can be said about PvE content. Most players running it are way better equipped in a more progressed environment, so the whole thing becomes easier. In many cases I feel kind of useless, maybe nobody would even notice me going AFK during a dungeon or raid, because the impact I have with my low gear is so little. This is not fun for me and if I dont’t want that, there’s again no switch to turn it off.
What I’d like you to tell us instead is, why does every single version of the game has to be rushed? You’ve got multiple versions of the game you can play which fit your playstyle very well. Why not just a single one for us slow-paced players? And if you want to play this version nevertheless, why can’t you just adjust to our speed for once? If you’re a fast player on a slowly progressing server you have multiple options what you can do:
Level a different character (you know, there are 9 classes in this game)
Play a different version of the game (there’s SoD, Cataclysm and Retail)
Pause your subscription and play a different game
Don’t play at the computer at all and do something entirely different
Then, when the next phase is released, you can simply come back and continue. We more slow players on the other hand don’t have any option at all to mitigate the rushed content. We can only take it and play with having less fun or quit.
Couldn’t agree more with OP and every single person that isn’t a super sweaty no-lifer feels the same way.
The rush is completely ruining the experience… no one is enjoying the journey as it could be because of FOMO.
Even the one week of wpvp could have been awesome, instead it’s a few people ahead of the curve ganging up on the rest.
No idea why they messed up the release schedule like that but it’s almost to late to fix it tbh… phase 1 could have been the best phase.
RIP anniversary
Anniversary is overbotted and you leveling stuff is already limited to no value on AH. If you level up later, if fishing bots will be cut down (unlikely) you can make way more gold from olies and firefins (AQ/Naxx).
You should buy your epic mount from gold from questing at 60. That’s the most reliable thing to do.
Right now on Thunderstrike Horde all leather is getting close to be listed at or below vendor value. Devilsaur leather is getting saturated and is bit above 5g down from 8-9. Mining is sort of a disaster with node competition but also somewhat lower thorium ore drops?
Anniversary is already tragic when it comes to economy.
Right now there are 2 type of raiding guilds. 40-man parsers, and 20-30-man part-pug chill guilds. If you are late you can join chill people. Later on both types will run split/PUG runs for bindings, or alt-runs where fresh people can join and either be on par with alts or get gear quicker to be on par for main raids. Choose what you need.
They do not exist on a statistical level. Any launch of a server/expansion is rush to endgame and then very low volume of levelers. Anniversary, at least on PvE is unique as it has more levelers after the rush went over. Still the population will now fall and making vanilla part take 2-3Y would just kill the purpose, especially when TBC was the selling point. 3-4Y Fresh would only make sense if it’s only era and merges with era in the end.
Era still exists as well, not perfect but will stay there for years to come. If there would be so many players wanting it slow they would play there. And after Anniversary announcement there wasn’t any outcry that it’s to fast. People were asking for QoL like mail, dual spec and other stuff. Dual spec was pushed a lot.
What does all this have to do with my point? Because the economy already is in bad shape, it doesn’t matter when it gets even worse because of the rushed content?
I didn’t ask you for game advice, thank you! This statement shows even more that you just seem to be not capable to understand what I and so many others here are talking about.
Won’t comment on all your other gibberish, because it’s completely past my argument and just your opinion you paint on everyone else.
I think being rushed is subjective.
For me it is, but I play two characters and gross 100, net 60 minutes a day.
Classic is the most affected because initial levelling is the longest, about 4-5 times compared to expansions.
I get your idea about people with like minded pace, but I wonder whether it’s achievable. I would sooner buy the WoW Classic Dad Edition which is - I know I am boring, but - changed to a GW2-like progression system. Meaning none at all. Every item and encounter, even expansion zones normalized at max level, and just play whatever you want, whenever you want. The only real variable is spec and I wonder whether even that matters.
The big advantage would be the ability to run all content, instead of just the current patch.
For real, if you want to please me, first raid opens in 6 months. Make it 12. Don’t please me.
Why this game cant have speed is fact that all raids r 40 MAN almost all meaningful where is good gear and trust me no one want less geared char in next raid next phase. In theory a lot people will not get chance to have at least 50% of bis gear when they enter in BWL which req more gear u to have. That leads to that theory…
Puging will be dificult to get spot in blue gear later even guilds will take better geared people that one lucky who have more members and did multy raids during week.
Only druids will be geared… MC has select few good pieces, BWL has way more while ZG shows up after. If anything people should aim in BWL/ZG not AQ40/Naxx and keep in mind TBC is coming.