Please,bring back personal loot!

Just remove it completly its not fun queeing for that 1 boss getting jack a** S****T each week getting ninja looted on the dps mace as a healer monk steals it when he don’t even need it. Raiding HC is not fun doing the same boss every week its masochisms getting beaten by a we don’t care as a dev team whip. add loot vendors for raids were you can buy the gear then or Bring back personal loot either way this system makes raiding not fun.

its different if everyone can roll on items, even if they dont need it, or you get loot forced on you, which you can trade freely… your comment is stupid and invalid

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Group loot is just cancer
Being back Personal Loot

That’s literally the same as PL except maybe (Not sure it did have it), there is bad luck protection, which has nothing to do with GL/PL as systems, and this is a point I already mentioned above. The problem then would be lack of bad luck protection in GP.

That’s the same as getting items as PL and not trading/selling them.

Yeah, and people did get these 2 pieces, so no problem here. And if you’re claiming that we got more loot before than now, then it has to do with these systems. Having 10 drops per raid vs having 5 drops per raid have nothing to do with the way loot is distributed. Again, you’re just complaining because you in particular did not get any items.

And that goes for pretty much everyone complaining here. I’m not gonna to answer to the other specimens who don’t even try to read or understand what I say and keep repeating idiocies that can be summarized into “I’m not getting loot so GL sucks :sob:” and "Then how do you explain I got no loot now when I got loot before :nerd_face: ". Go back to 6th grade and understand how statistics work.

The only real tangible issue that I see with PL is that you can have 3x bows drop on the same boss without having any hunter in the raid, and that’s valid criticism, but I guess it’s too much thinking for the people here (If someone did, then I deeply apologize to you, I probably skipped your comment, but even then, you’re a minority).

Have your PL back if you want, I don’t care, but it’s pathetic that the criticism is based on “me got no loot” rather than on a constructive approach. 95% of the people here wouldn’t comment if they got loot, that’s the definition of bias.

I have counter proposal. Add personal loot atop of current loot system. Raid loot feels punishing meanwhile m+ gets loot shower.

Remove the option to roll at all (except mog) if the item that drops is lower ilvl than what you are wearing and ofcourse still keep the ilvl restriction meaning it cant be traded and tadaa, fixed.
Right now the lootsystem is unplayable, you mention statistics but doing lfr on 2 chars every week this season and not having won a single roll says it all, that wouldve been impossible with PL.

Edit: autocorrect

A lot of words and said nothing. Still didnt explain how GL is the same as PL. If they were “THE SAME” , every person at the end of the raid would get 2 pieces of gear
Which under group loot,it doesnt happen.
End of story.

You stuck into your numbers and fail to see the barbarism group loot produced
More often than not,under PL people were rolling their items that they didnt need
On GL ,everybody needs everything and just leaves the raid
This,combined with the fact that going from 2 items per raid and a chance to get your bis item as well, from zero per raid for weeks in row and no chance in hell of winning the roll for a bis item for the majority of people,has affected players interaction with the game
Why everyone needs on everything now? Because they as well got done over and seek revenge. Because they wanna sell it back to the needing people. Because they have friends in group to trade them. Because this that and the other. The toxicity group loot brought into the community and frustration is huge
If you wouldnt be stuck into your numbers and see the human factor as well,you would understand that GL is definitely NOT the same as PL
And if you wish to stick to numbers, 2 will never be 0. From the intended audience ,2 will never ever be zero
For all the reasons that matter in the game, 2>0 always
For whatever abstract and forced extrapolation evidence you bring ,theres always gonna be 2>0 factor that nobody can deny

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Im sorry but you cant compare gl to pl,because pl had a fair distribution of loot where everyone got a few items after each raid. Sure,they werent always the best items but more often than not I got amazing things and I remember Denathrius trinket for casters and sylvanas bow and many other offpieces
In dragonflight? I only rely on guild vault and thats very sad
Personal loot would be great with some tweaks. Group loot is just a no-no for me and thats why I stopped pugging

P.S. i also remember people rolling the things they didnt need in shadowlands
Now,nobody does that. Group loot really made pug and lfr players,toxic and angry and for a good reason

Even if the math is the same,the outcome of group loot was disastrous for pug raids and LFR. This should be addressed

Just add back PL problem solved

Your chance of winning a bis item is the same as everyone else so this is just being a cry baby. PL people stil trade friends items and whould still ask gold for items if u added it back today. A big difference in player toxicity dosnt come from GL but the fact that u can trade gold across servers. Also i dont really see PL being much better i went thought whole of S2 SL without getting the eye trinket. But got the same stupid cloak every week. Either your lucky or unlucky your chance is the same as everyone else just gotta deal with it. Personally i whould never want to see PL agian. Beacuse in my opinion GL is better for the mmo aspect but the system sure needs some work.


I disagree for many reasons tbh.
I prefer roll loot.

A few issues we forget about.

  1. In Personal Loot people could just not loot bosses and wait for gear in mailboxes. You wouldn’t even know something dropped - you couldn’t even offer gold for it ^^
  2. In group loot you can actually win multiple items per boss.
  3. In group loot you can win transmog from items you can’t otherwise need on (or get in personal loot) - many times I got agi swords or daggers on my characters when it happened my raid group either had people who didn’t need or who couldn’t equip. Last week I saw a warrior get a bow for mog because we had no hunters etc.
  4. In group loot you can’t get the exact same item or less powerful of one you own - you can’t roll. Back in personal loot you could be getting duplicates every week. And it was entirely up to you if you wanted to give it to someone or vendor for the lulz.

Rolling is way better - I have no issues gearing my characters. Sure - sometimes one or two items can elude you but come on — they will come in vault.
It’s season 3 and I don’t feel any frustration with this system - I actually think I get more items from rolling that I was ever getting through personal. So YMMV but I think the current system is fineish.

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Group loot wouldnt be an issue if people with higher ilvl gear in their bags or equipped couldnt be able to roll on an item thats lower. It would filter out the ones that needlessly roll and make it actually fair.

its just a lazy crap system that benefits slackers and boosters and blizzard doesn’t care. bring back personal loot

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today went HC trinket dropt did i win?. ofcourse not 20 other people ninjaed it even though they had good trinkets and some had it already and someone who had the trinket won and sold it to another person.

blizzard needs to start care bring back personal loot. or add loot raid vendors. And make bosses drop only tokens which is personal.


You cant roll on the same item if you already have it,you can only roll if it is higher ilvl aka upgrade

they have lower ilvl gear trinkets whose bis but roll on the trinket anway.

I agree to some exstend but you cant lock ppl out of rolls based on ilvl you need to do it based on the upgrade track the item have lets say you have a hero track cloak you should still in theory be able to roll on any other hero track cloak becuase pf the stats might be bis etc. But do you have a hero track cloak you shouldnt be able to roll need on any champion track cloak cause the max ilvl on it will be lower and never wroth equipping. But a normal trinket can be better then any hero trinket you have in some cases so therefor cant lock ppl out of that loot either.

I agree on that, if something can be upgraded beyond what said person is wearing they should be able to roll.
What a lot of people are upset about is 480 people joining lfr or normal and needing everything they can. There is literally nothing in there that will be an upgrade, except maybe a trinket or a weapon if they are insanely good.