Please,bring back personal loot!

Nooooo :sweat_smile: with personal loot you have a smaller chance of getting a piece of loot you want.

Us “normal” players do NOT want personal loot.

People who do not need a piece of loot, but might still get it, will just ignore giving it away… However if a loot drops with the current system, ONLY people who ACTUALLY need the loot, will roll for it.

You have a MUCH higher chance of getting the loot you want currently.

The only reason players sometimes whine in here about wanting personal loot back, is because they are hate the idea of “raffling off the loot”… :roll_eyes: it’s the antisocial part of their brain taking over their logic… “They can’t see the forest for the trees” so to speak…

Personal loot is cancer. Made people stop playing the game
Horrible decision,good they brought back Group Loot or otherwiser player numbers would be bleeding because nobody wants to raid for nothing

Both systems had/have flaws I like the rolling and flexability Group loot has way more than personal loot.

The loot system wont make enough people leave, no matter if its personal or grouploot, if any at all.

People have short memory as always. Either yall didnt play cata or forgot how cancerous group loot was and how everyone resented it so they changed it
I dont care much for the loot system ,because i do guild runs as well but for the pug lfr community,group loot brought a lot of toxicity and chaos and disappointment because people went from shadowlands with 2 items per raid to zero for weeks in row now,in dragonflight and no matmematic ecuation or power point presentation ,will make a difference
Saying GL is the same as PL is like u asking me for 10 euros for food and i agree but im gonna give u 1 cent for 1000 days.
The math adds up but the result isnt the same is it? Damn you people really oblivious to the human factor

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I remember it well enough, DW-Weapons say hi.

Doesnt mean only because a few toxic incidence, that I dont prefer group-loot.

Because I find it more annoying to get the same loot every single week or loot with stats I dont want, which allways ended up at the vendor or disenchanted.

At the end if the drops are the same, the loot goes somewhere. So it is what it is.

Ofc its not the same, thats why some people prefer the one over the other. Some like GL some like PL.

What do you classify as a “normal” player? I feel like thats a very subjective term since i see myself as a normal player and definitely do not want Group Loot, at least not the way it is now.
It needs thorough changes and then it can be good.

3 weeks with 0 loot from raid i wont call a success.

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I get loot just fine.

And getting the same item 3 weeks in a row or items that you cant use because they are bad, arent really a sign of success either… but it was what it was.

Its fine that you dont like GL, as its fine I dont like PL

Good for you, seems the majority not that lucky as you are.

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You will allways hear more complaining than praise. The majority of people that say something ofc are the unhappy ones.

And I wouldnt call myself lucky.

PL in M+ is still a pain in the butt for me. I tend to get loot every 5-7 dungeon and than its allways the same items… I think I got the Root-trinket from DHT 3 times allready.

My Ilvl is around 460 while I spam 17-18 dungeons…

When I did LFR on the other hand I allways got something that increased my ilvl. (Yes my gear is that bad) thanks to GL

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Yet Ive done lfr on 2 chars every week and never gotten a single piece of loot. That wouldve been impossible with PL because of badluck protection.
The only way to get loot is to just mindlessly roll need on everything you can which is exactly the problem with this system.

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SL PL didn’t have bad luck protection and if nobody’s getting loot as people here claim then where are the items disappearing to?

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To the people rolling need on everything that are already wearing gear of higher ilvl :wink:

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In PL the system automatically rolls need on everyone’s behalf on every boss, and right now the number of item drops /boss/player are higher than with PL. The distribution is just far more random.
You can be without loot for 20 bosses, then win 3 in one kill.

And yet i never heard of anyone that went weeks without a single piece of loot

Oh boy, I wonder how we used to get loot in the past than…

The issue isn’t that there isn’t loot at all. It’s that unlike PL, GL doesn’t give any guarantees that a specific character gets anything at all, or that the loot will be useful or even moggable by anyone involved (yes, glaives dropping for groups without any DH in the raid alone are a curse PL avoided).

That one’s entirely on blizz. They tried to crack down on class stacking among top guilds and failed miserably as those groups will always find ways to make split runs work.

But PL doesn’t give any guarantees that you’ll get the item you NEED. M+ has proven that.

There isn’t a guarantee you’ll get exactly what you want anywhere except for buying things for curios or conquest. It’s about either having something, useful or not, or risking having nothing at all with no bad luck protection, for as much as RNG says.

I have no idea what OP classifies as a normal player. If you read his post you’d know why I put “normal” in quotes…

It was for the exact same reason as you yourself point out about it being subjective, that I used quotes to indicate it was a obscure term to use.

But I guess it’s more interesting to snipe replies to argue with… without relating the replies to the actual post. :wink:

I gave good reasons for why group loot is MUCH better. Maybe give a better reason for personal, besides “it needs changes to be good”…

Nope, I have had no issues. The rolls used with the current group loot takes different facts into account, when doing the rolls to improve chances for people who need it the most.

Does that mean that unfair rolls won’t happen? NO… but the chances are decreased for unfair rolls.

AND ALSO, even when you DID get personal loot, it was something COMPLETELY random from a random boss. You had NO say in which gear you wanted. Group loot allow you to ONLY roll on what you need, which is MUCH better than receiving trash loot you don’t need.

Personal loot ALSO had bad luck as part of that system. And you WEREN’T guaranteed loot… It just gives the illusion that loot were guaranteed, because you felt good about it when you were handed loot occasionally. Even when it was trash loot.

Personal loot gives the illusion that “you get gear”… because most of the time when you DO get a drop, it was random trash you didn’t want.

which is better since then people gets loot instead of these 20+ ninja looters. they should just add back PL

shadowlands raiding even if it was boring was better.